Chapter 8

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 Joel's POV

First day of school. Wonder what exciting things go on in my new school, woo. It's all the same to me, I don't let anyone near me and rarely anyone even tries to be. 

"Joel! Are you ready yet? You can't be late on the first day!" My new step-mom shouted.


I never understood why my dad had to remarry anyway. It's not like he's even ever home. Wasn't like he could ever tell his new wife and step-daughter his job either.

The only reason I knew what my dad did was because he needed a new part time assistant and didn't want to pay more people. On certain days I had to skip school to go help him out in whatever location he is settled in at that time.

My 'helping' usually consisted in marking folders for participants in the company. I wish today was one of the days I got to help, I don't want to go to this new school let alone deal with people trying to talk to me. 

I slowly made my way downstairs to the smell of waffles being made. I didn't feel like being social so I made my way to the front door for my bag. But right as I grabbed the straps I was pushed into the wall.

"What the fuck!" I looked down to see lust filled eyes staring at me. Of course what step family isn't complete without the slutty skank, and in my case, my step-sister Danielle.

"Good morning to you to Joel," She said in a seductive voice.  

"So the little hoe does like me. All the more reason to hate you," I grabbed my bag and headed outside without looking back. I could live without seeing her, she'd flirt with anything breathing.

I headed out to my blue Lamborghini and ran my hand over the hood as I made it to the driver's side. My car was the only thing I showed emotion to, I loved it more then my own father. 

I opened the door and threw my bag to the passenger seat before taking another glance at my beauty. Before I could run my hand over the hood again my phone went off. Speak of the devil and he

I sighed but brought my phone to my ear, "Yea dad?"

"Son, I know it's your first day but I need you down to the office. One of our participants is dead and we need as many people as we can to help them."


Colby's POV

I feel like nothing. It's only been a day but I already feel dead. I've been sitting in the waiting room with Nathan and Damien for what felt like hours. Everyone refuses to let us see Danna for fear of our interference.

None of us had slept and we really didn't want to. We were all worried about my girl. Now the boss was suppose to be through soon to tell us if any progress had been made.

"Ryder my boy! It's great to see you again! You look taller!" I turned around to a tall and wide man smiling in our direction.

"Bruce! I didn't think you'd really be here for my sister's case!" 

Damien got out of his chair and ran to 'Bruce' with his arms open. Bruce only laughed and accepted Damien in his arms. When they broke out of their hug they were both smiling wide.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world! You and Danna were my favorites! Always will be!" Bruce patted Damien on the shoulder and stepped around him continuing to Danna's room, "Why don't we all see her, huh?"

Me and Nathan hopped out of our chairs and began following Bruce and Damien into the clear room. It smelt of hospital fumes and for some strange reason, coco puffs. But as we got farther in the room I noticed the same body from the alley.

We all moved to be around Danna's body and take a look at her. She was allot paler then before, and someone had shut her eyes. If you weren't so close you'd think she was like a angel sleeping. But up close you can feel the death in her heart.

"Well I can say were doing everything we can for her. You know how deeply I love you and your sister, I really hope she can pull through."

Bruce walked to the end of Danna's bed and picked up a clip board. He stared carefully at the pages connected to it and sighed before putting them back.

"They've ran five tests already and nothing so far. My son should be here soon to do the sixth. Ryder you have to believe me when I say I give you the greatest apologies, you know I loved caring for you and your sister." 

Damien only nodded and kept his eyes on his sister. This Bruce guy wasn't on my good side so far, he shouldn't be standing here and just talking away, he should be working as hard as he can to bring her back!

"Sorry dad, got here as soon as I could. Where's the participant?" 

A guy around our age strode in with his eyes on Bruce. He had green eyes, blonde hair, and looked to have a build. He didn't seem like a very smart person though. 

"Son, this is the participant's brother, boyfriend, and friend. I'm allowing them to see the running of the tests since the participant is very dear to me."

The guy nodded and came forward to get a better look at Danna. I could tell I wouldn't like him either, but I felt more sure of my hate on him then his father.

When his eyes roamed on Danna I saw love flash in them. As long as I'm alive, he won't get his hands on her though. Well, after he runs the tests, then he isn't touching her. 

"Dear to you father? I take it this is one of the Jacobs twins, Danna I'd guess?" When he mentioned Danna's name I felt anger heat in me, I didn't want him saying her name!

"Yes! So I take it you do pay attention when I talk of the participants!"

"Of course father."

"Well I think we should all get to know eachother as my son runs the tests! Ryder I know just about everything that has to do with you, but what about these boys?" Bruce nodded over to me and Nathan with a smile.

"Well this," he motioned to me, "is Danna's boyfriend Colby. I don't particularly like him but my sister seems to care for him."

At the word boyfriend Bruce's son snapped his attention to me, his eyes now burning in hate. I only smiled in triumph and winked over to him. Let him know now to stay away from her.

"Nice to meet you Colby," Bruce extended his hand for me to shake. I hesitated for a moment but shook his hand anyway, I may not like him but he is helping Danna. In a way.

"This is our friend Nathan, he stopped my sister's attackers. To him I'm very greatful, now and forever."

I smiled once more as the heat rose in Nathan's face at the mention of him saving Danna. I knew I'd always be greatful to him to, like I have been since I met him.

"Thank you young man, if they would have beat Danna anymore this would be a hopeless process, but you stopped it just in time. She could still live, even if her heart isn't beating." 

Nathan only nodded sheepishly and looked at the ground, classic him. Again I looked at Bruce's son, he was carefully checking Danna's bruises with wonder written all over him. 

"So Bruce, who's your son? If I may ask."

"My boy? He's Joel. He loves to help me out with my work, when he isn't he's at home with his step-mom and sister that is." 

"Well nice to meet you Joel," I said with a false smile.

He met my eyes for a second and seemed to get the message about Danna. Worry showed in his face, but was replaced with humor. 

'Let the games begin,' he mouthed.


Song of the Chapter:  StarStruck by Lady Gaga

Team Joel or team Colby?! I'm so team Joel :P lol doesn't mean she'll end up with him! Well thanks to those reading! I'm now over 200 reads and over 25 votes! Still having issues with writer's block, the chapters aren't amazing but i'm trying! Love -Silky:D

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