Chapter 13

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Danna's POV

As I walked back stage I couldn't stop looking at all the people around me, Boldt hadn't tried anything while me and my brother had performed. I knew he was here though, I felt his gaze when I was playing, and Garren's.

I left the gym and slowly moved into the hallway trying to look afraid. They could be anywhere, and so far they weren't going to show their selves. As I moved to the South end of the building I could hear movement coming from one of the rooms.

I wasn't alone and I knew it was them. They were expecting me to come this way, smart. Before I could continue closer to the door I feel to the ground holding onto my head. It was pounding and it hurt more then I ever thought it could.

'Danna you don't love me, you love Colby. Don't do this, turn around and find your brother.'

I shook my head after hearing Joel's voice again. How did I know Joel again? When I stood up I was more confused then ever on what was going on. I decided to do what the voice said and go find my brother, but when I moved back for the door there was a hand over my mouth and a knife at my throat.

"Why don't we have another little chat Ryder? I think it's been to long," Garren laughed.

I bit his hand, which made him release me and drop the knife. Before he could grab me again I took off down the hallway looking for the right door. I couldn't be here, I didn't want to die again. God someone save me!

I finally caught sight of the right door and let out a sigh of relief, I was safe! I ran over to the door and pulled the handle, but when I barely had it open I always pulled back and shoved into a classroom. This was like my first meeting with Boldt all over again.

Closing my eyes I could feel tears running down my face. I was really going to die, and I couldn't do anything about it. Screaming wouldn't help me since every room in the school was sound proof, plus I knew Boldt would just enjoy this even more if I did scream.

But instead of a fist, I felt a electric charge as someone's lips met mine. I was already kissing them back, but I didn't understand why. However when I opened my eyes a smile grew on my face. Colby had come to save me.

As I shut my eyes again I moved myself closer to him and enjoyed the kiss while it lasted. I forgot how amazing it felt to kiss him, but was glad for the reminder. When I really started getting into it Colby pulled his self away from me and stared down into my eyes.

"Your mine Danna, not Joel's. Snap out of it!"

I chuckled, "I know I'm yours stupid!"

I stood on my toes so I could push my lips back to his. I finally understood everything, while I was running I could hear Estellise in my head explaining what had happened to me, and how I had broken Colby's heart. I'd never do that again.

Colby pulled back from me looking confused as ever. He wasn't understanding anything that was happening. He didn't know that Joel and Estellise were together now, and Joel set me free. This could get interesting.

"Wait, how? When? Ugh!"

Before I could respond to Colby he turned around and started hitting his head on the wall. I guess he really was confused, I didn't expect him to start hitting his head on things though. I pulled him away from the wall and looked at him.

"Estellise talked with Joel, there actually dating now. So Joel finally stopped playing with my head and let me be."

"Oh god I almost lost you Danna!"

I started laughing as Colby hugged me tightly and kept kissing random parts of my face. He was really going to protect me no matter what. Who else would have came after me? Especially if I had broken there heart without trying to.

"Well i'm here now, and only yours."

"Hell yea little miss."

before I knew what Colby was doing I was airborn and thrown on his shoulder. I couldn't resist beating on his back as he carried me off back to the gym. When we walked in there were allot of people smiling and laughing as they looked over at us.

"They don't miss a beautiful girl until they see her I guess!"

I laughed and tried my best to hug Colby's neck. I'd missed him the whole time I was gone. I died on him, came back, and kept saying I loved another. He was stronger then anyone I'd seen, because I wouldn't have been able to do that.

"Denim! How's my brother!"

I looked up and saw my brother Ryder/Damien. He gave me a wink indicating he finally remembered to say Denim instead of Danna. In this moment I felt prouder then ever. I had the guy I loved, and my brother who finally learned when to use which name of mine.

"Pretty good, how's my brother Damien?"

Before he could answer a mic came on from the stage, and when everyone finally settled we all gave our attention to...Boldt. I couldn't believe he was on the stage and I didn't really want to find out why he was there.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think we can all agree that Denim and Damien were the best of the show, am I right? No offense to the other amazing performers, but I think the boys deserve a special round of applause!"

As everyone started clapping for us Garren came from behind me and grabbed me and Damien by our arms. I really wasn't liking this...not one bit. Garren did give us any time to protest as he pushed us on the stage.

"Well then! How would everyone like to learn a little something about the boys?"

My head snapped up to stare at Boldt, there was no way he was going to expose us to everyone. But sure enough he sent me his playful wink and mouthed Ryder. He wanted everyone to know about us, I didn't see the advantage to it though.

The crowd all shouted a mix of 'yes' and clapped even more then before. There was no stopping Boldt this time, everyone would know my secret. Then I'd end up confessing and getting killed. This was never meant to be a good night...

"I think It's time Denim and Damien told us the truth...because they've been hiding something pretty big from all of us! I mean, I only found out by mistake..."

Everyone started muttering about what it could be, but me and my brother already knew. From the way Colby looked he understood what Boldt was doing to us also. I wish this could all just be a dream, but of course my worst nightmare had to come true.

"Denim here, is actually part of the Witness Protection program, and Damien was actually hired to protect him! Denim's real name is Ryder, and his sister killed herself over me!"

The whole room grew quiet and know one understood what was going on. I was horrified that he actually decided to through with this just to hurt 'Ryder'. I was sick of this, and I wasn't just going to let him get away with this.

I stepped up to Boldt and grabbed the mic out his hand. It was my turn to be in control, and I wasn't going to be afraid of him and Garren any more. I stared out into the crowd of shocked faces and said the only thing that would surprise Boldt.

"Yea, I am in the witness protection program, but I'm not Ryder. I'm the girl that supposedly killed herself over you. That you used to beat everyday. That you killed in a alley."


Because Mistaken hit 2k I decided to update for Silk's sake, she would have been proud <3 -Lie:3

Song of the Chapter: Crazy by Cee Lo Green

Mistakenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें