Chapter 19

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"What the fuck are you doing at my house" Taehyung said.

Jungkook didn't say anything. He threw a punch at Taehyung's face. Taehyung stumbled backwards and held onto his face. He looked back up but not for long as another punch was thrown at him. Jungkook picked him up by his shirt and slammed him into the wall.

"Where's Malaysia?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung kept quiet. He wasn't scared anymore but he still wasn't gonna fight back. He just shrugged his shoulders. Jungkook threw another punch at his jaw, busting Taehyung's lip.

Jungkook kept throwing punches to the point where Taehyung's face was all bloody.

"Where the fuck is she?" Jungkook asked him again.

Taehyung looked up at Jungkook and smirked with blood spilling from his nose and lip.

"Somewhere broken after I gave her the best dick of her life ." he said smiling with blood covering his teeth.

Jungkook was about to throw another punch at him when Yoongi grabbed him.

"We gotta go. The cops are surrounding this place" he said.

"No! I'm not leaving without her! I know she's in here!" He said yelling and kicking, trying to get out of Yoongi's grip.

"We'll come back for her let's go!" Yoongi said as he dragged Jungkook out and throwing him in the car.

Yoongi wanted to save her too but he couldn't risk them all going to jail and then loosing the chance to save her at all.

Taehyung smirked as the boys got into their car and left. He saw them coming. But he didn't know they knew he had Malaysia. He also didn't expect to get his ass handed to him. He had tied Malaysia up and taped her mouth shut before answering the door but now they had to leave. It was too risky.

He called one of the people that worked for his dad and told them to get the house ready and that he was on his way. He went and packed his clothes and put them in the all black Mercedes Benz his dad bought for him yesterday.

He went into the basement and grabbed Malaysia by the hair, pulling her all the way into the car garage. He put her in the trunk and got in the drivers side, pulling out of the garage.

The ride was almost 3 hours long and it was getting hard for her to breathe. Taehyung would occasionally stop the car to let her breath and pee in the woods before he started to drive again. He finally got to the house and parked his car in front of the gate.

He got out and let Malaysia out, untying her and taking the tape off of her mouth.

"Stay right here, I'm gonna unlock the gate and the door. I'll be right back. Think about your life." He told her as he walked away.

Malaysia stood there in her panties and socks with a black hoodie covering her top. It stopped just above her waist so her bottoms were freezing. She was gonna be obedient and stay there until she remember what Taehyung said before he left.

'Think about your life'

Those words replayed in the back of her mind. She looked over at the door and saw Taehyung walking out of the door to the house and then she dashed for the trees.

She's never ran so fast in her life. She stopped in the middle of the woods, breathing heavily and looked around. It was in the middle of nowhere. There was a lot of water and trees wherever they were and she might be running for a long time. She could barely see since it was so dark but that didn't stop her. She then heard a loud voice boom throughout the quiet woods.

"Fuck!" Taehyung yelled.

*Malaysia's pov*

I dashed through the trees as I stumbled upon old logs and rocks. I swatted twigs as I licked my lips. They were chapped to the point where the skin was peeling and it burned when any wet substance touched them.

I had been running for 20 minutes straight and I was pretty sure I lost him. I stopped and leaned against a tree. The only sounds were the faint flapping of baby birds, the chirping of the crickets. The owls hooting and my heavy breathing.

I knew I couldn't stay long. I stayed there a couple of more minutes and as soon as I decided to stop get up, I felt something cold and metal pointed at my head

*Author pov*

"Did you really think you could escape princess?"

"Let me go bastard" she said with venom lacing her words.

"Ooh don't be mean to me princess" He said as he ran the gun down her head and cheek until it was hooked under her jaw.

Malaysia wasn't gonna stop right now. She had to keep going. She turned to Taehyung and kicked him in the stomach and then sent a punch flying towards his nose, making it bleed. She took off running as Taehyung stood there groaning and holding his bleeding nose.

He was loosing her. He stopped worrying about his bleeding nose and started firing his gun. He could hear Malaysia scream as a bullet hit her. He smirked to himself and ran after her but when he got to where the scream was, She was no where to be seen. His smirked dropped and he yelled out in frustration. He could barely see. He had to look for her in the morning. She couldn't get far with a bullet wound. Or so he thought.

Taehyung ran back to his house and started to treat his nose meanwhile, Malaysia was still running. The wound in her thigh bleeding more and more but she couldn't stop.

After running for some time she finally saw a path that lead to the road. She stood in the middle of the road waving her hands as a car was coming. Just as the car came to a stop, she passed out due to blood loss. The person got out of the car to check on her and put her in the car, rushing her to the hospital.

After arriving to the hospital, she was being taken to a room, as they were rushing her, Malaysia's eyes opened, seeing the lights pass above her at a fast speed. She made it, she finally made it.

Soooooo I just wanted to let you guys know that this book has about two more chapters before the end. I'm sorry for the late update but I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please don't forget to vote and comment. Thank youuuu. I love you guys.

Mine: Taehyung AmBw Yandere ff  *EDITING*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ