Chapter - 15: Preplanned!!??

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He hugs him tightly and breaks down.

"Shh .... shh.... it's okay. Everything will be alright." He tries to console him.

Sparsh understood that that the matter bigger than he thought.

After few minutes he lets him cools down.

"Tell me what happened?" He Asks.

He sighs, "I love her so much from the day she was born." He tells Sparsh.

Shock would be an understatement to describe his condition right now.

"I love her more than anything in this world, Sparsh. I tried to suppress my feelings but they just got stronger and stronger. At first I thought it is just mere attraction but the feelings are stronger Than I thought. But the age gap between us is very huge. She will not be happy with me. Moreover, our parents won't accept our relation especially your dad. She is his princess. Do you think that he would marry her to anyone who has this huge age gap!?" He tells.

"I know that even she has d
Feelings towards me that's why I started to ignore her. But I never thought that she is in love with me. It's never going to work between us. I don't want our families to argue about this matter." He finishes.

"If you are in love with her then fight for her, Aarush. If you don't even try then how will you know that you will fail or succeed." He tells him.

"It's not going to work." He whispers to him self.

"Please don't hurt her anymore. I can't see her like that, it hurts me. Please accept it that even you can't live without her then why to suffer when you both can be together. And I want to tell that I don't have anything against your relationship. I just wanted to clarify. Think about it." He tells him and leaves from there to check on his sister.

But he returns back and says.. " if you want I can speak with my father about you two." He suggests.

He shakes his head and says. "I will deal with it now." With a small smile on his lips. (Indicating that he already decided what to do).


Same night!!!

Rishika goes to her father to meet him.

"Heyyy!!!! Papa!" She greets him.

"Hiiiiii princess!!" He greets her back.

"What's up? Want to talk about something?" He Asks her.

"How do you know?" She Asks him surprised.

"I'm your father !!" He tells her.

She smiles at him.

"Now, Tell me what's bothering you!" He asks.

"Papa, that.... (She sighs) how are you?" She asks him.

"What will happen to me, princess?" He asked her confused.

"I know you are not. Don't try to hide it from me!" She says.

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