8 | Finding Answers

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It had been an hour since I'd given her my old tunic, and I kept popping in to check on her even though I knew it wasn't done yet.


"How's it going?"

She set down her sewing equipment to give me a pointed look.

"The exact same answer as last time, Beedle."

I nodded, taking my leave before suddenly popping my head back around the bedroom wall.

"If you need anything, I'll uh, I'll be over here."

She nodded, resuming her work.

I took a seat at the empty dinning room table. Seldon had gone off to work moments before, so it was just me and Meilyn. When I woke up this morning, she had popped into the shed, asking for my clothes before taking her leave. I came inside to check on her, and this is where I've been ever since. My sword and that eye slate thing were on the table, where I occasionally studied them.

Other than the strangely purple hilt, my sword had a strange design of a triangle made out of three smaller triangles near the beginning of the blade. The slate, of course, was the same old slate. I hadn't talked to Meilyn about last night, nor had I asked her about wait I did involving the princess. It never felt like the right time to ask either of those things.

I poked my head around the wall.

"I'll be back in a few, Meilyn. I'm going to take a little walk."

She nodded, murmuring "the longer you're out of my hair, the better."

I chuckled, waving a hand goodbye as she smiled sightly.

The door opened with a creak, and morning sunlight blinded me as I stepped out into the sun. I had taken my slate and sword with me, and I was hoping to get some answers for both. My first plan was to make a visit to Seldon, since he was the only other person I knew here and already proved himself to be rather friendly. I opened the door, and Seldon started at what I assumed he thought was a costumer. Seeing me, he grinned, laying back into his chair.

"Morning, Beedle. How have you been?"

I tossed him a similar grin, leaning against the wall opposite of him.

"Pretty good, just got out the house. How's business?"

He shrugged, checking a small paper that I assumed was his transaction log.

"Too soon to tell," he said, sliding the paper back into its original spot, "I can tell by your face you've got something to tell me."

I grinned.


He chuckled, and I grabbed the slate from my belt, holding it up so he could see. He squinted at it before gesturing for me to give it to him. I handed it over, and he studied the eye on its side.

"That there is the Sheikah Eye," he said, pointing to the design, "Ancient Sheikah technology. You have something mighty special on your hands, I think."

I nodded, taking the slate back from his outstretched hand.

"Know where I can get more info?" I said, studying the slate with newfound interest.

"As a matter of fact, I do."

He led me outside the shop, pointing to the hill and path I had followed yesterday to reach that pasture with Meilyn.

When you get near the top of that," he said, pointing at the hill, "instead of taking a left to the pasture, take a right instead. You'll find what you're looking for soon enough."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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