6 | The Stranger In The Mirror

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I stepped out into the warm air, moonlight lighting the way and turning the night purple. Wet grass crunched underfoot as I made my way around the house, and I spotted a wooden shed attached to its end. I made my way to it, pressing a hand against the aged wood. The door creaked open, and I was greeted to a mostly empty inside, only a barrel sat by the door, and a few wooden boxes near the end. A mirror sat on the opposite side of the barrel, and I looked into it to take stock of myself.

I had long hair that was cut just above my eyes. Speaking of eyes, mine where a bright, but gentle blue, round earrings matched their color on each ear. A ring of the same color kept my hair in its small ponytail.

I wore a strange, short sleeved blue tunic, and I had a long sleeved undershirt below it. Both of my hands had finger-less gloves, but my right arm had a guard above it, which had a deep cut from when I blocked Meilyn's sword with it along with a bunch of cracks, making it unusable at this point. I wore simple pants that matched the color of my undershirt along with some worn, but quality leather boots. I had a sheath strapped to my back, which housed a rather large, but one handed sword. I wore two thin leather belts, the upper one holding a small, empty pouch and the lower holding a strange slate with an eye on it.

I unstrapped the sheath and leaned it against the barrel with the sword still in it before taking off both belts to look at the slate.

It had a strange design, the eye being the most prominent feature along with a small grip on the side. The side opposite of the eye had a square, black area in the middle. I set the slate on top of the barrel before taking a closer look at the state of my clothes.

My tunic looked burnt, and I took it off to see the chainmail under it was ruined. I took of my undershirt, and I noticed that I was in fairly good shape. I was lean as well as lean muscled, my stomach, surprisingly, was toned into perfection.

I was about to check out the sword when the door creaked open.

Meilyn stood there, a rather old looking shirt and well-worn trousers folded together, a pair of worn boots placed on top. By her side was a simple bedroll.

"Oh, thanks," I said, taking the clothes. I set them atop the barrel, turning back to see Meilyn still there. Confused, I studied her face, and in the darkness I could see it was a burnt shade of red. I suddenly felt very exposed without my tunic, and I felt my own face warm as I pointed out the bedroll.

"Is that for me?"

"Yes," she said, handing me the roll before quickly taking her leave.

"Wait," I said, reaching out a hand in emphasis.

She turned to me, and I looked down.

"Thanks for... well, everything," I looked up, meeting her eyes, "you made me feel welcome here, even if you didn't act like it or think you did. I-I'm looking forward to redeeming myself for- uh, whatever I did."

After a pause, she nodded, looking into my eyes a little longer before walking away.

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