"Economics. I once told you." I shake my head at my old man, he is so forgetful now.

He nods, his mouth forming the shape of an 'o'; "Your mother wanted you guys to study that." He stated. "I know."

"I'm proud of you, May Allah bless it and may you do good in shaa Allah."

"Ameen. Thank you dad." I said, "Let me go drink water." I added and he nods, i stood up and walk out of his room.


The barely lit up sun, the orange color and the rainbow in the sky, giving it a cool atmosphere.

I raise my camera to my eyes and click two pictures, it's so beautiful. I hang the camera around my neck and pick up the basketball i kept on the floor, just outside my home.

I throw the ball and it went straight through the basket, a smile unknowingly grace my lips, i am so good now, i can throw the ball with my back facing the basket and still it will go through.

I'm a pro Kabir.

I continue playing more like just throwing the ball, gently tho, for some unknown reason i have a small smile playing on my lips, and i don't want to ruin it.

Seconds, minutes and hours passed by in a blur and it is time for maghrib now, i stopped playing and recite the dua after adhaan.

I walk to the direction of the masjid, muttering dhikr.

I did my wudhu and we all prayed silently, i turn around the mosque looking for my dad, how is he not here?

I quickly finish my evening azkhar and almost ran home.

My dad is still sitting on the prayer mat in the living room, reciting the Quran with a smile on his face.

"Why aren't you in the masjid dad?" I ask as i sit close to him.

He kept the Holy Book: "I am not feeling well ibni(my son)." My father says.

My heart skips a beat, "What's wrong with you?" I ask in a low voice.

He chuckles; "Nothing serious habibi, don't worry too much about it." He finished off with a grin.

I hope so, Ya Allah grant him shifa'a(health) Amin.

"Allahumma yashfik(May Allah grant you health)."

"Amin ibni, Jazakallah khair."

I smiled at him and pick the Quran, i start reading the words of Al-wahab. I memorized almost one quarter of the Quran, i have barely few surahs to finish the whole book.

Mama Zainab came inside the living room after a while, and we all read the Quran, turn by turn, she has a beautiful voice Masha Allah.

After a while the adhaan of Ishaa is heard, we all prayed together, the three of us, my dad leading the prayer.

"What do you want for dinner?" Mama Zainab asks once she finished her duas.

My dad chuckle; "Are you this hungry Zainab?"

She giggles: "You can say that."

"Let's go cook something." I said, attempting to stand up, both my dad and step mum are looking at me weirdly, as if i've said or done something out of the ordinary.

Well, maybe i did.

I shake my head and start walking towards the kitchen when someone press the door bell.


I walk towards the door and open it, and it reveals two of my aunts and my uncle, Aunt Sarah literally jumped and engulf me in a hug, Ugh!

I tried to push her: "Look who's a grown up and going to college." She says, her British accent very noticeably with a smile, wiping a fake tear.

"C'mon." I murmur.

"Come in." I said to them, Uncle Mahir shook hands with me and Aunt Tasneem smiled at me, before they enter the house.

"You coming in or should i just close the door?" I impatiently ask Anty Sarah.

She pouts: "Why are you rude to me Samir, i just missed you." Her voice is barely above a whisper.

I look directly into her eyes, eyes exactly like my mums, it held pity, i can't help but shake my head and walk upstairs.

Once inside my room, i hang my towel around my neck and walk to the bathroom, i took a warm bath, brushed my teeth and exit the restroom.

I put on my pajamas.

I sit on my bed with my black journal and pen in my hand, i start scribbling words, i doubt if they even make sense, it does to me tho.

'It's been years Immi(mum), But i still have nightmares...'

"Ta'ala Samir(Samir come)." My dad yell from downstairs.

I open my drawer, keep the journal and descend down the stairs.

"Look, they brought your admission letter." My dad says, sounding very happy, i smiled at him and thank them.

"It's our pleasure." Uncle Mahir says patting my shoulder, i sit on the floor, beside Anty Sarah.

"Masha Allah you've added weight." Anty Tasneem said, i smiled at her; "I have?" And she nod.

I have so much respect for her.

Anty Sarah wrap her arms around my shoulders, i turn to look at her with questioning glare but she just grin widely at me.

My father and his guests are talking about random things and i paid no heed to it, i just want to lie down on my bed with either a book or a camera in my hand.

"Hey!" Anty Sarah whispers, trying to get my attention.

I raise my brows at her; "Guess what?" She says happily.

"I'd rather not." I said.

"You're killing my vibe but I'll still tell you."

"I am getting a baby." She says cheerfully and clap her hands, getting everyones attention, she place her hands on her mouth.

My eyes widened, she chuckle at my reaction, "Yes, you'll soon have a cousin."

Masha Allah, I'm happy for her, she has always wanted a baby, she has been married for almost 4 years, there was a time when she actually thought she was barren, i had to console her.

Strange right?!

I know, i have a weird way of showing how much i care.

Does it make sense?!

"I'm happy for you Madam S, you deserve all the happiness in the world."

Her eyes fill with tears, "So do you Samir, so do you." And she hugs me, i hugged her back.

"Can i at least join the hug?" Aunt Tasneem says jokingly but joined anyways.

Uncle Mahir and my dad chuckle.

"Dinner's ready." Mama Zainab announce.

I want to be normal again, my eyes filled with unshed tears.

Wassup humans😂

Howdy? Alhamdulillah.

I'm liking Aunt Sarah😂💓 who else?

How's the story so far?

Thank youuu❤️


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