"Oh, come on in from the cold! Come, come," Constance turned waving them inside as she started to walk when Jared turned back to grab me by my hand and pulled me next to him.

"Hey, Mom, look who joins us for Christmas!" he grinned, and I pulled myself out, trying to look my best with a light smile as she turned back.

Her eyes widened but her lips quickly curled into a touched smile.

"Avery, darling! Oh, it's so great to see you! Oh, Gosh!" she sounded genuinely surprised as well as happy what made me let out my held in air as she came to hug me as well.

"It is great to see you too," I smiled, "I hope it's alright, I really thought Jared mentioned at least," I stated as we let go from the hug and I instantly sent a disapproving look to Jared, not even thinking that he would bring me here unannounced.

"Oh, don't be silly, the more the merrier Christmas is!" she waved as we stepped away from the door, so Shannon can fit in the suitcases. "It is going to be great to catch up, I still ask about you from time to time, you know," she admitted with a sweet smile and I just chuckled.

"Oh, there is a lot to catch up on," Shannon grinned straightening up after dumping the bags next to him.

"Yeah, yeah, let's get you all settled first," Constance nodded. "But oh, you boys... I know you love surprising me, but at least could have mentioned about a guest coming," she sighed bothered. "The guest room hasn't been vacuumed in ages, and I really need to wash some bedding; I don't wanna give you sheets smelling like old closet," she turned to me worried.

I was about to say it is all right; the last thing I want is to make her worry about me, when Jared threw his arm around my shoulders.

"It's okay, Mom, don't worry, she will sleep in my room," Jared smiled wide and I forced a smile up to him then to Constance who just waved him off, shaking her head.

"Don't worry, darling, I will be ready in no time," she smiled at me as she turned to leave, and I had to smile amused about the fact that she didn't even give a single thought to what Jared just said.

"No, Mom, I'm serious!" laughed Jared. "Calm down, we won't need the guest room," stated as Constance turned back now with a frown looking at him puzzled.

"You don't mind sleeping with me, do you," Jared purred rubbing his nose to my cheek then kissed my shoulder and I smiled awkwardly as his Mom was just watching us walking closer.

"What is going on? What is going on here?" Constance asked totally out of it, eyeing mostly Jared uncertain.

"Mom," smiled Jared, "Avery and I are together," as he still had his arms around my shoulders, he pulled me closer, my head resting against his shoulder as I peeked to his Mom with a nervous smile.

"What? Is it serious? Are you serious? Shannon is he serious?" she seemed so shocked and honestly I don't blame her; I still am in shock.

"Well Mom," sighed Shannon, "It seems pretty damn serious to me," he smiled, and Constance now looked at me and I nodded with a gentle smile.

"Come on, I know it is unbelievable, but like this much?" sighed Jared irritated, probably realizing the fact that his Mom long gave up on him and his relationships.

"It's true, Constance," it was time for me to validate as well, as I moved my arms to hug Jared by the waist.

"Oh, Lord, you two... are..." she sighed as tears filled her eyes, her hands in front of her mouth. "It's perfect, it's so perfect, my prayers been heard!" she rushed to hug us both and we looked to each other uncertain then Jared let go to look at her.


"I'm sorry, ahh... just... I'm..." she breathed deep, seemed like she had loads of emotions, but she held them back for now. "I'm just... it was very unexpected but also I am very... very happy for you two," she smiled, her eyes red, as she caressed Jared's face then smiled to me. "Now, go! Go settle down and I will heat up the lunch! Meet down here in fifteen," she shooed us away. "My boys will show you around and we will let the dogs out once we settled," she smiled excited.

"Well... that was quite a... surprise," I stated, once me and Jared were in his room and I sat onto the bed looking around.

It was two times smaller than the one he has in his own house.

Well, it was an average bedroom. This one was full of boxes and just a couple furniture, looked just like a person's room who doesn't quite live here.

The whole house had a very calm and inviting atmosphere with warm colors, lot of different cultures' arts, handmade artworks and musical instruments.

Their mom's bedroom was downstairs, opening from the living room while the boys' bedroom were upstairs next to each other, and on the attic floor a nice half room was the guest room.

"Yeah, sorry 'bout that," Jared mumbled. "You know she used to disapprove of the girls she saw me with in the media and at one point she rather just closed it out and never talked about them again. She knew well what my deal was with those women, so she decided not to ask or even be aware of that part of my life. So now I guess she just got overwhelmed."

"Like mother like son, huh," I smiled taking his hand and pulled him to sit next to me. "So, this is your room," I smiled.

"Well... kind of. When we are here. She bought this house when I was in my late twenties so no teenage memories or stains here," he smiled, and I chuckled. "But it is great to be back. It's instant peacefulness," he said letting himself fall back onto his back then pulled me next to him.

"It is really nice here," I smiled turning my face towards him, caressing his hair.

He closed his eyes as his face rested in a second.

"More," he mumbled, and I laughed softly.

"Then come closer," I smiled and he shifted closer but I pulled him all the way to my body, leaving his head to rest on my shoulder; he pushed his face into my neck, sliding one of his legs around my thigh as he hugged me.

"Just like this," I smiled as I hugged him playing with some locks of his hair as his slow breathing tickled my neck. "Your week off officially started," I whispered kissing his forehead.

My mission was to make him feel more home at home with me than ever before. This was my chance to have him all and show him how much I care for him. I wanted to put those words what had been said on the plane, into actions.

All those years I have been there for him, telling everyone it is because it's my job... telling myself it was my job, even if it wasn't really my job as a publicist to take care of  his every need. I have just got to the realization.... but I am just not yet comfortable on admitting it to myself... but deep down I have loved this man for the longest time, and I wonder if he ever noticed it.

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