The last night

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Jacks POV
You and brook left. You went outside and sat in the tennis court.

Brook- what's wrong
Jack- I know what you did
Brook- I kissed her. Sorry bro, I know you like her. But I heard you last night. If anything like that happens again please don't take it out on her, if anything, take it out on me.
Jack- no. I won't take it out on anyone. She's not my girlfriend, I can't tell her what to do. If she wants to kiss you then that's fine
Brook- have you kissed her?
Jack- yeah i have
Brook- okay that's fine then
Jack- lets just get these next few days dealt with and then she can decide
Brook- yeah that's sounds fair. Deal
We both shook hands and got up and started walking back to the house

Back to your/Jess's POV
You tried calling James back, he didn't answer so you left him a voicemail
Jess- Hey James, I hope your
Okay. I got your voicemail
and thanks for doing that for the
apartment, I'll be back tomorrow. I
don't know how long I'll stay.
But I'm staying at my friends
house at the moment, and I might
stay with them but I want to talk
to you first as well. See you soon.

You put the phone down and the boys walked in the door

Brooklyn- how'd it go?
Jess- he didn't answer so I left a voicemail
Jack- it's ok we can try again later. What do you want to do today?
Jess- I don't mind
Brooklyn- we could all go iceskating?
Jess- yeah we could. I love iceskating
Jack- it does actually. But jess are you okay to go with your injuries?
Jess- yeah. The cuts have healed, it's just the bruises but they don't hurt as bad
Jack- okay well I'll talk to the boys then

Jack told the boys and they instantly agreed. The day went past. You cooked some brownies with jack and played some games with Brooklyn.
You were leaving in 2 hours so you started to get ready.
You went into the bathroom and had a shower.
You got out and brushed your teeth and got changed and went back into jacks room
Jack was standing there in his underwear deciding on what to wear.

Jack- what should I wear?
You picked out your favourite hoodie of him and some jeans
Jess- that
He smiled at you.
Jess- I let you get changed

You walked out and headed downstairs. You sat on the sofa and waited for everyone.
Brooklyn came down. He was wearing skinny jeans a hoodie and a denim jacket over the top

Brooklyn- don't you look perfect

You got up and gave him a hug. You put your arms around his neck and stood on your tip toes while Brooklyn had one hand on your hip and the other around you waist.

Brooklyn- I want you jess. So bad
Jess- I know Brooklyn. But let's just wait a couple more days
Brooklyn broke the hug when he heard the boys coming downstairs. He smiled and nodded.

Jack- hey ready to go?
Jess- yep. Let's go

You had to take two cars. You, Brooklyn, jack, Alex and Andy in one and Robbie, Rye and Sonny in the other. You parked outside the ice rink and everyone met up at the reception.
You all paid and waited in line to get your iceskating shoes.
You used to do iceskating when you were younger so you were quite good
You all got your shoes and then got onto the ice. There wasn't many people there as it was late but you were the first one to step onto the ice. Once you got used to the slipperiness you then started skating to the middle of the ice rink. You stopped when you were just over half way and looked back. Alex and sonny were right behind you. They were pretty good as well. The other boys all starred at you all amazed.

You, sonny and Alex looked back at the other boys getting on the ice. Andy was the first person on the ice. He grabbed onto the handrail and almost fell over. You giggled. Rye came on and he was surprisingly good. He still wasn't comfortable without the rail so he was skating near it.
Robbie glided into the middle with you guys. Brooklyn was in the background
Brooklyn- show off!
You all laughed.
Jack got onto the ice and didn't let go of the handrail. Brooklyn took one step on the ice and immediately fell over.
Alex- I guess I'll go help brook
Alex skated off to help brook. Robbie went to help jack and sonny went to skate with rye
You skated off to Andy and took his arm

Jess- hey
Andy- hey jess. I've haven't done ice skating in years. I'm a bit rusty
You laugh
Jess- it's okay And I'll help you
Andy- it's your last night with us. How you feeling?
Jess- honestly I'm really sad. You guys are so lovely but I am kinda exited and nervous to go home
Andy- you'll have Jack and Brooklyn. I'm sure your be safe

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