Sorry breakfast

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*arriving at London*
You got off the train and got onto another bus to central London
Emma- Starbucks is there
Jess- ooh lets go there
You both buy a hot chocolate and a snack, then you make your way to the venue so you know where it is.
Then you start to make your way to Emma's aunties house.
Emma- it's around a 30 minute walk there.
Jess- that's cool. I'm so glad I came here, it's good to take a break from James.
Emma- *talking quietly* has he hurt you recently?
Emma was the only one who knew about James being abusive
Jess- not recently, he's been quite good but he did get angry and storm off when I told him I was coming here with you,
Emma- oh I'm sorry jess
Jess- it's ok, we cleared things up this morning, I made him a sorry breakfast
Emma- a sorry breakfast? Jess he should be the one saying sorry, not you, this is your life he can't control it.
Jess- I know but if I didn't he would be moody when I get back.
Emma- and you really don't want that
Jess- no I don't, but anyways what are the boys names in this show I forgot
Emma- right so there's Andy, short blond and the oldest with blue eyes. Rye he's the fittest, quite tall and with brown hair and he's got brown eyes with hair that goes down over his forehead
Jess- ok what about the other three?
Emma- so then there's Brooklyn- he's got blond hair with brown roots, he's the youngest and has got beautiful green eyes, the other Ryan is also known as Sonny, he's the tallest and has got kinda curly dark brown hair your know him when you see him. Then there's Jack, he's the tallest he will either wear a shirt or a hoodie, he's got really nice brown hair with green eyes and he's Irish so your know who he is straight away
Jess- noted, so which one is your favourite?
Emma- Rye obviously, ooh he's gorgeous, look I have him as my lock screen
She showed you her lock screen and it was a shirtless picture of Rye
You both giggled
Emma- lets listen to their music.

You and Emma put one earphone in the opposite ears whilst talking about RoadTrip. You listened all their songs at least 5 times, by this time you knew most of each song lyric by heart.

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