Movie night

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You helped jack carry the drinks into the studio.
Rye- hey jess. How you feeling?
Jess- I'm getting better thanks
Andy- that's good. So *clapping hands together* what we ordering then?
Sonny- pizza?
Jack- oh pizza sounds great!
Everyone, even you agreed.

Jack- hey why don't me and jess go to the shop and get food for later and you guys order food when we're out and we can pick it up after?
Andy- that's a good idea. And we can tell you when we've ordered it and when it's ready to be picked up. Jess what do you think?
Jess- yeah that's a great idea
Jack- great. Should we go after we finished our tea then?
Rye- yeah sure
Jess- yeah that's fine.
Brooklyn- we've also got to talk about jess and when and how's she's getting home, cause by the sound of it, I don't trust her boyfriend.
Andy- well, it's all up to you jess. We absolutely adore you here
Rye- yeah having a girl in the house, we've been less destructive
You all laugh.
Jess- well I was talking to brook about it earlier and I was thinking. I could stay for another couple of days if that's okay, and then I'll go back home.
Jack- I'll come with you. You need protection in case anything happens
Andy- and if it does happen then you are more than welcome to stay with us
All the boys nodded and smiled.
Jess- thank you guys.

They all knew you were going to break up with him soon. So if anything would go wrong you would stay with the boys.
Jack- do you want to go then?
Jess- yep lets go.
Jack- I'll text you what we're going to have
Andy passed you his credit card.
Jess- honestly I'll pay. You've all done so much for me
Andy- aw you sure?
Jess- yeah
Andy stood up and gave you a hug
Sonny- see you in a little while
You put your coat on and your boots and headed out the door. It stopped raining,
You both got into the car and drove off. Talking all the way there.

You parked up. Jack got out the car and ran to your side and opened your door
Jess- thank you kind sir
Jack- anything my lady
You both giggled as jack closed the door and locked the car. The car park was quite full and could only park at the the back so it was a couple minutes to the shop entrance.

You looked down at jacks hand. You went to hold it but hesitated. But then you held it. Jack looked at you and smiled. Holding your hand back. You got closer to him as it was freezing outside.

Jess- I'm really nervous for this movie tonight. I do want to watch it. But I get really scared at night.
Jack- *smiles* well you know you can always come into my bed again
Jess- thank you
You got into the shop and brought some drinks, sweets and popcorn and crisps. You paid and bagged everything up and headed back to the car. Holding jacks hand all the time.

When you got to the car you called the boys and said what you both wanted and then you drove to the pizza place. You waited a while and then picked it up and paid and then started to drive home.

You both got home.
You entered the kitchen with the pizzas.
Brooklyn- PIZZAA!
You all ate the pizza and by the end it was 7:30pm.
Jack- I'm going to get a shower before we watch this film.
Jess- I'll get everything ready.
Rye and Andy went upstairs into the bedroom. Sonny and Robbie went into the studio and you and Brooklyn were left in the kitchen.
Brooklyn- I really don't want you to go
Jess- I know. I don't want to either but I can't keep ignoring James. I have to see him
Brooklyn- but what if he changes and he becomes really nice and you don't come back
Jess- no I wouldn't do that. He will never change, I can't go back to what happened before. And plus, I've made like life long friends with you all
Brooklyn- awe. We will definitely be life long friends
Brooklyn washed the dirty plates up and you put all the crisps and popcorn into bowls
Jess- I'm going to get changed quick.

You headed upstairs into jacks room. And took off your clothes. Your left with in your underwear and sports bra. You looked into the mirror and looked at all your bruises. The door started  opening..

Lost without him Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora