Feelings for two?

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You told all the boys what had happened between you and that girl and you and James. It seemed every time you mentioned James, jack got upset,

Rye- Jess would you like to stay at ours tonight?
Andy- or for however long you need
Jess- I would be so great full for that, thank you guys so much.
Jack- and then in a couple of days we could take you back home and you could sort stuff out with your boyfriend
Jess- yeah that's sounds like a plan, thank you guys so much.

You all talked for a few hours and now it was time to go.

Jack- it's going to be a long journey home. You can sleep in the car if you'd like
Jess- yeah that sounds nice

You all got into the van. It was now 10pm and was getting late. You sat in the back with Jack. You started to go, after a while you got tired and started to fall asleep, you fell onto jacks shoulder and started to sleep. Jack started to play with your hair.

Andy- Jack?
Jack- hm?
Andy- you like her don't you?

All the boys were looking at you and jack while he played with your hair.

Jack- there's something about her that makes me so happy and makes me want to protect her forever.
The boys smiled and turned back around.

You were now at the house and you woke up just before you parked, you rubbed your eyes.

Rye- Jess you looked so comfy there I was jealous
You laughed still rubbing your eyes.

Once the car parked, you all got out, it was pitch black outside, Andy helped you down.
You all got your things from the back. The went into the house. You were still limping and we're in so much pain.

Jack- Jess?
Jess- yes jack?
Jack- you can stay in my bed tonight
Jess- no it's ok, it's your bed I can sleep on the sofa
Jack- no jess I insist
Jess- please

You looked up into his green eyes and you both locked eyes

Jack- okay
You smiled at him. Brooklyn made you some tea.
Jess- thank you Brooklyn
Brook- that's alright jess, anything for you

You gave everyone a hug and thanked them for everything they've done tonight.
Jack put a few blankets on the sofa and a pillow
You gave jack a hug and kissed him on the cheek as he did the most.
Jack blushed

Jack- goodnight jess
Jess- goodnight

You both smiled, jack turned the light off as he walked out of the room and as soon as your head hit the pillow, you fell straight asleep

The next morning you woke up with someone stoking your head, you slowly opened your eyes and saw Brooklyn sitting by your side.

Brook- hey beautiful, how you feeling?
Jess- yeah, yeah I'm feeling better.
Brook- that's good, I've made you a tea.
Jess- thank you
Brook- I'm going out in a while to the shops, do you want to come?
Jess- maybe not, I'm in so much pain, maybe tomorrow though
Brook- that's ok. Tomorrow's fine, see you later then
He smiled at you while getting off the sofa
Jess- hey brook?
Brook- yeah
Jess- I want to make the boys a drink, what do they have
Brook- they all have tea, They all have one sweetener except rye who has three
Jess- okay thank you, have a good time, see you later
Brook- cya

You felt butterfly's in your stomach. You really liked jack but could you be catching feelings for Brooklyn too?

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