Chapter Thirty- Four

Start from the beginning

I hesitate. Once again, Officer Dennon comes around to the front of the desk to sit on the edge, directly in front of me. "Bad guys get away with bad things because good people don't want to make waves. This is an open and shut case, Cat. Your involvement from this point on will be minimal. I'm pretty sure, once this case gets in front of a judge, they'll be sentenced and that will be the end."

"Okay," I agree and Officer Dennon smiles.

"Good girl. Let me get the paperwork done and get you two out of here."

"Thank you, Officer Dennon."

He laughs. "You kidding me? Your story totally made my day. Be back soon. Hang tight, okay?"

Alex and I nod.

Several minutes pass before I wonder about a few things...

"How did you get Olivia to help you?"

Alex looks at me but he is so deep in thought, he takes a second to respond.

"When you stood up at the table, I recognized you immediately. How could I not in that dress? Then you threw your mask on the table and I feared the worst. You were out the door in a flash. I ran to the back room and quickly changed. When I opened up the back door to the club to follow you, I saw Olivia getting into her car. She planned to go after you, so it wasn't too hard to convince her to let me tag along."

"You told her about us then?"

"Yes, not that I needed to. It seemed obvious to Olivia that I was the problem, so she just figured that there must be something going on between us."

I shrug. That makes sense since little escapes Olivia's keen eye.

"It terrified her. You running off like that. You should probably call her today," Alex suggests.

"I will. Once I get a new phone."

"When I called you and I couldn't get through, she became more panicked, but then thankfully she remembered she could track you through her phone, so she looked you up and we could pinpoint where you were."

"I didn't answer your call because I was on the phone with the dispatcher and was afraid to hang up."

"Makes sense. I assumed it was because you were mad at me. When your movement stopped, I told Olivia to pull over. I gave her my cell and called her to keep her on the line. Using her phone to continue to track you. That's when I started calling out for you."

"Thank you for coming to look for me."

Again Alex looks hurt by my words. "What did you expect me to do, Cat? I love you. I hurt you. I know that, but it wasn't my intention."

"Didn't you think I would eventually figure it out, or ask what you did someday?"

Alex shrugs. "Possibly, but I figured if it happened, I would have the chance to explain myself. I honestly never expected you to show up at the club."

"So, you're just upset that I caught you in the act?"

My question makes him angry, but I didn't care. Being hurt does that to you.

"I took that job after my brother was killed. It was Aiden's job. He was murdered walking to the subway that he took home every night. They beat him so badly its considered it a hate crime. You've seen how he dressed from the photos I have in the apartment. He made it obvious that he was gay."

"But what did you hope to gain by taking his job?" I ask, clearly not following his logic.

"The cops said the perpetrator or perpetrators likely knew him from the club or knew his route home, but when nothing turned up, it became a cold case. I took the job, hoping to flush them out. I dance at the club under Aiden's alias. I take the same route home each night, hoping they will see me and think I am him and ..."

"And what?" I ask, aghast. "Try again? This is your plan? Hope they'll get wind of you being there and come back to finish the job?"

Alex ignores all my questions but continues to talk. "I have spent all this time getting to know the clientele. A few times I thought I was on to something, only to have it lead me to another dead end. I was desperate to find any lead that may bring my brother's killers to justice."

"But it's been 3 years since your brother's death!"

"I know, but I'm obsessed. I can't seem to lay his memory to rest. He literally haunts me in my dreams. I see him as he was that night, each time I dream of him. I didn't have a reason to care before, Cat. It was just me and my memories, but that changed when you came into my life and stayed at my apartment."

"You have worked your way into my heart. You began to heal the wounds that ran so deep, and made me wonder if perhaps life held more purpose for me, than just this obsession. When you told me you loved me, I knew instantly it was time to let go of the past. I had that necklace made for you and I told them at the club that I quit. That night was my last performance ever. Then all this happened," Alex says, waving his hand in some grand gesture.

"Cat, when I saw you in that alley..." Alex chokes on his own words, and his tears flow freely.

"Oh, Alex!" I utter, getting up from my chair to hug him.

He clings to me. "I'm so sorry, Cat. You can't fathom how sorry I am. I deserve to lose you. I was so wrong to deceive you."

"SHHH!" I say, putting my hand over his mouth to stop him from talking. "Shut up, will you? You're not going to lose me. You've lost enough. I'm here to stay, for as long as you want me, but you know I'm a package deal, right? The baby has to be my priority, but that doesn't make you second best. I want us to be... a family."

Alex says nothing, and then I realize he can't because my hand is still over his mouth. I lower my hand and his look is one of such intense love, I can't doubt, I don't doubt that he loves me, or that I belong with him.

He still says nothing, but reaches for my face and kisses me, pouring into his kiss not only all his hurt and pain but also all his hope and joy. It's so much emotion I feel the tears fall from my own eyes as the kiss continues.

He pulls away reluctantly and wipes away my tears with the pads of his thumbs. "I love you, Cat."

"I love you too, Alex."

I hear someone clearing his throat, and we both glance over to where Officer Dennon is looking at us from the doorway.

"Just need you to sign these papers," he says holding up two files, "And you two can get on your way."

Alex and I each take a folder.

"Oh, and Ms. Fisher, I believe this belongs to you." Officer Dennon pulls from his pocket a small manila envelope. He pops it open and into my outstretched hand, he dumps my necklace.

At my look of surprise, he says, "We found it on the accused when we picked him up. When you gave me your statement, I figured it belonged to you."

I hug the necklace in my fist, close to my heart. "Thank you! Thank you so much."

Officer Dennon smiles. "It doesn't always happen, but it's a great day when the good guys win."

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