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Warning: This chapter contains themes of sexual trauma that may be upsetting for some readers.


Adiya stepped out of the shower, dabbing her face with a towel. She watched her reflection in the mirror as she wrapped the towel around her. She woke with a strange feeling in her gut today. She was excited about her transition into Hera's handmaiden, but there was an ominous, underlying feeling that came along with it. Her stomach turned and she swallowed the bile in her throat that rose for seemingly no reason.

She looked through her drawers for her hairbrush, keeping a hand on her towel to hold it up. She began to hum as she finally found it and began to brush her hair. She disentangled her now auburn hair and lathered herself in moisturizer. She stepped out of the restroom and out into her room. She changed into a pink dress Hera gave her a few weeks back. She gave a happy smile. Despite the inauspicious feeling in her gut, she tried to convince herself it'd be a good day.

Hera had woken her when she kissed her neck, and she wished the queen would've continued. She loved the kiss on the forehead she received from Hera and her stomach filled with butterflies at the memory of her and Hera cuddling together last night.

She walked over to the window ready to face the day when she looked down at the garden. Hera sat at the fountain, Artemis kneeled in front of her. She continued to watch as the two exchanged words and the latter finally left. Hera seemed relieved but something about her posture. It wasn't Hera. When Hera hugged herself and slumped over onto her legs Adiya decided to check on her.

She turned toward her bed and pulled out a pair of flip flops. She slipped them on and walked toward the door. When she opened it Zeus stood on the other side.

"There you are! Adiya, I've been searching everywhere for you, dear," he stepped into her room and she took a step back. "Where have you been?"

"Hera and I went down to the mortal world. I wanted to visit Israel and she took me. Can we catch up later? I need to go check on her," she began walking toward the exit but Zeus blocked her way.

"Now hold on. You and her have been spending a lot of time together. I think she'll survive a few more minutes. Sit. Sit. Let's talk," Zeus sat on the white couch in the room and patted the seat next to him.

"Zeus, Hera doesn't feel well. I really should go check."

"Oh, what's a few minutes to eternity? Come on. Just two minutes."

"Zeus, please...any other time, but she needs me right now. She's your wife. I thought you of all people would understand," Adiya raised a brow. She was becoming uncomfortable. She didn't like how persistent Zeus was being in her staying here with him. As she said these final words she was hoping Zeus would get the memo and leave. He only stared back at her blankly. Then he nodded and he looked around the room out stretching his arms, "Where is she?"

Adiya shifted her feet, "Outside. She's in her garden."

Zeus stood, "Will it make you feel better if I went to speak with her?"

"I mean-"

"Yes or no? I can see the two of you have grown quite close over the years. If anything I'll send her to you. The two of you seem to know how to, ah, comfort each other better than I do."

"I- really?" Adiya looked up at him and he gave a gentle nod. He rubbed her shoulders and kissed her cheek. "Wait up here, alright? I'll come to get you and let you know what was wrong or she'll come up to talk with you."

Zeus began to leave and Adiya could feel herself breathe again. She sat at the window sill and watched Hera outside. Minutes later Zeus joined her. Adiya could hear the muffled sound of Zeus' voice and Hera standing out of respect. The two spending a couple minutes in tense conversation and Hera finally giving him a nod. Adiya saw Zeus say something and Hera look up at him and smile. The two embraced and Hera walked inside. Zeus looked up at Adiya's bedroom window, he held a hand up to her for her to wait there and walked in after Hera.

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