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Hera returned to Olympus from Russia in a better mood than whenever she left. The moment she opened the door to her temple, however, the scent of lasagna hit her. She huffed, slammed the door behind her, and stormed into the kitchen. The little bawd was cooking; in a blind fury, she gripped the girl's arm and torqued her out of the kitchen. 

Her chest heaved with rage, her vision turned red. She could feel her grip on the girl's arm begin to shake and tighten from her fury. Faintly she could see her hand print being marked onto her skin in the form of a bruise.  Before she could get a handle of her thoughts to say something rationally demeaning, her mouth opened on its own accord to say, "Who do you think you are strolling around my home as though you have a place in it!"
    "Zeus was hungry. He sent me to make something," the mortal responded.
    "I suppose it was after the two of you had your little fun," Hera muttered. The little snag looked away from the goddess to the ground. For some reason, this gesture did Hera in and she was surprised to feel whatever little sense of patience she had left slip away.  Thunder echoed as Hera's voice became shrill, "Out. Move! Get out! I don't want to see you in here! Get the fuck out!" Adiya took a step back, her eyes studying Hera. The goddess's irises began to fade into gold while a dark ring of black appeared on the outer edge of them, glowing ominously. Her skin blushed with outrage. Her hair seemed to frizz like a cat's. Adiya's knees began to buckle, but she wasn't going to be pushed around like everyone before her. She stood her ground, "No. I live here. Whether you like it or not, you'll have to deal with it."
    Hera scoffed. She wasn't serious, right? "No doubt I am going to allow some prostitute to prepare my nourishment for me.  I already have servants.  The contrast between you and them is they are respectable enough not to lay on their back for a decent meal and a spot to live. Don't think I don't know where he got you from, whore. You're the same as any of the typical gathering of streetwalkers he gets."

Adiya bit her tongue. She regretted doing so as soon as Hera continued, "And do not think for a second that I like you just because I haven't killed you yet. You only need to stay on Zeus' good side. As long as he's happy I can't touch a single follicle of hair on your head. That won't matter soon, though. Do you know why? Well, let me inform you, you dimwitted slut. I am his wife. This is my house. You are intruding in my home. And I will not tolerate some trollop waltzing around it like she's the lady in charge," Hera stepped closer to Adiya. "And under those charges, I can smite you like the bug you are."
    The two shared a tense gaze, standing toe to toe. Hera was taller, no question about it, adding to Hera's grandeur. Adiya would not show weakness, not in front of Hera, but she didn't want to provoke her either. The young lady shut her eyes, took a full breath, and lowered her eyes so her gaze was level to Hera's neck.
    "Well, are you going to leave? Or will I have to make you?"
    Adiya softened a bit. She could see it. The bruise Zeus left on Hera's shoulder four days ago. It was fading but it was still there. By instinct Adiya covered the lovebite Zeus left on her own neck when they made love.
    Hera hissed,"What are you covering it for? The whole mountain knows what you are and what you do."
    Hera's free hand flew up and snatched a fistful of Adiya's hair and yanked it so they shared the same line of sight. Adiya gave an audible whimper of pain. She could see in Hera's eyes that the goddess had enjoyed hearing the noise. A cruel, mocking smile was painted on her face, "I do not ever want to see you anywhere in this house but the bedroom and the front door. If I catch you galloping around here like you own the place I will make your life even more miserable and pathetic than I am already going to make it."
    Gripping tightly onto her hair and arm,  she hauled Adiya to the front door, slammed it open, and threw her out. Adiya landed at the bottom of the steps like a heap of trash. A few gods that had been taking a stroll stopped to stare.
    Fantastic. Hera thought, An audience.
    "I warned you, you little bitch! When I advise you to leave you do not stay and act 'tough.' You do as I say and leave. To think that I thought you were good at following orders, tramp."
    Before Hera could close the door she heard something she hoped she had imagined. She glanced back at the young lady she had dropped off on the bottom step and snapped, "What?"
    Adiya shook with rage. She looked up at Hera trying to keep hot tears from falling out. She wasn't like Hera, she had emotions and feelings. Whether she was mad, frustrated, sad, or even happy Adiya cried. Right now, facing off against the queen of the gods, crying wasn't a luxury she could afford.
    "I called you a cunt. Or do you prefer the word asshole? Or witch? How about shrew? Reveal to me your inclination, bitch." Adiya spat at her, mocking Hera's british tone with her last sentence.
    The spectators backed away, but continued to gawk at the scene in front of them. Hera seethed; her eyes becoming darker and the golden circle within them getting brighter with every affront Adiya had thrown at her, "Queen Hera is fine. I trust you to have a bustling day of work, whore."
    Adiya exploded, "That's it! That's enough! You have a problem with me sleeping with Zeus? Confront him about it! But don't be a little rat and humiliate me!"
    Hera let out a laugh. It chilled Adiya. Her laugh bounced off the walls, and sent themselves back toward her. She could feel herself start to crumble as Hera's voice rang, "Me? Humiliate you? My dear, you do that without my assistance. What's more, it is not my fault Zeus finds women who will spread their legs for him at his request. It is your decision whether you will lay on your back or not," Hera turned her back to the world prepared to venture back inside the solace of her home.
    "Well I'm not the one married to him and yet he still prefers me over you."
    Silence. Hera hovered through the doorway. She let the words sink in. She turned back to face her. Hera's face had contorted into an ugly snarl, her body trembled violently, her arms were stiff at her side, and her fists were balled so tightly they were turning white. Hera's glaring eyes stared down the mortal, yet Adiya saw something different in them. Adiya hadn't won the argument. Hera said nothing not on the grounds that the mortal had rendered her speechless. Hera was silent because Adiya told her something she had already known. She had been denying it since Zeus slept with Leto. It hurt Hera more than she could ever let on.
    Time stopped as she advanced toward the mortal, her hair and dress flowing behind her like fire. She seized the mortal's arm once more, Adiya stifled another cry as she felt her bruise burn, and she caught a glimpse of Hera's darkened eyes. There were tears welling in her eyes, but years of being in the same spot over and over again had made it easier for Hera to not cry. 

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