Coffee break

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Siddhant was looking at ROli who was sincerely working on the order..

Siddhant then started doing his pending tasks like going through the files, signing of cheques and other activities.

After couple of hours when Siddhant lift his face to see her completing his task, Roli was still working on her tasks.

Siddhat to himself: ROli my darling! How much you work?  What will happen to your health if you work like this?  Just see outside how much time pass is going on within the staffs.  You jump into the laptop & work itself it seems.  I need to do something..

Siddhant was thinking for a while & called Roli to his cabin.

Roli came to his cabin and sat in the chair opposite to him.

SIddhant did not talk anything for a while. 

Then he called receptionist and order 2 coffee to his cabin.

The silence was continued.

Office assistant kept the coffee cups in front of both and went out.

Sid: Roli!  take the coffee.

ROli: SIr, but why cofee.

Sid: Coffee is because i was feeling very tired working since long and thought of having some.  Cant I.

Roli: Of course you can SIr.  But why for me too.

SId: I was not having any one to give company for drinking coffee.  Thats why i called you.  Wont you.

ROli: Yes sir. WIll give company to you.

Roli took the coffee and started drinking it.

Siddhant chuckled and started drinking his coffee looking at her.

After finishing coffee.

Roli: Sir, Shall I go.  I need to finish the task.

Sid: Which task you are talking about? I think you already given task of making the models to your subordinates.

Roli: Yes sir.  Now I am preplanning the execution work for the designs.

Sid: That is next step & time is there.

Roli: You are right.  But i thought it is better to preplan so that we can start as soon as designs approved by the client.

Sid: Hmmm.  But did you finished the task with should be done before that,

Roli: WHich task Sir?

Sid: Did you arranged my travel to Nagpur for presenting the models to the client as a PA of mine?

Roli: Sorry SIr.  I will do now.  You wish to go by Bus or Train Sir?

SId: You tell me which one will be convenient.

Roli: Bus will not be convenient and shall i book the ticket in train!

Sid: Can we take all the models in the train without damage?

Roli: That will be difficult sir in that train rush.

Sid: Then what can be done tell me.

Roli thought for a while.

Roli: SIr Why cant you go by Car keeping the models in the car itself.

Sid: So I can go by car as usual.

Roli: Sir you go by car only normally. I was not knowing as you said to arrange the travel i thought need to book for train or bus.

Roli said innocently.

SId: Now it is known i will go by car.  Now what arrangement you will do for travel.

Roli: What should i do sir?

Sid: WHy cant you fill the petrol & keep it ready today itself?

Roli: Ok Sir.  I will tell someone to fill petrol.

SId: Ms. ROli, dont you think i can fill it while going on the way.

Roli: Then what should i do sir.  Already i told you that PA job is not known to me.  You only compel me to accept it.

Roli face was down thinking she is unable to handle it.  Siddhant though enjoyed her innocence got afraid she may deny to handle the job.

SId: I mean have you taken appointment with client for showing the model to them.

Roli: Oh!  That is what you meant Sir.  I will take the appointment now Sir.  But I dont have any contact detials of them.

Siddhant gave the visiting card of the client.

Roli: Ok SIr.  I will take the appointment with them for this Friday as I believe the models will be ready in 2 days time.

Siddhant: Ok.

Roli & Siddhant shared a smile.

Roli rushed to her cabin to take appointment for him with the client and to continue her tasks.

Siddhant to himself: Roli see how much i am working to give you some break.  Now wait for the lunch time to take the next break darling..

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