Presentation on new project

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Siddhant went to the dining hall and had his food.  He remembered about her talk, her facial expressions, her gestures and smiled.  He remember her telling neither your mother nor your wife.  He was unable to hold him from laughing.  Still he managed and had some water.  Finally he returned to his desk.

Now Siddhant realised, since he came only thinking about her and even forgot about the new order which was confirmed.

Siddhant called Roli in the intercom watching her in the TV.  ROli carefully checked the display and understood her MD only calling her.  She pick up the phone.

ROli: Yes Sir.

Sid: Ms. ROli, Order for sweet boxes first.  Then after the sweet boxes delivered, you tell everyone to assemble in the conference room.

Roli: Sir, Which sweet & how much Sir?

Sid laughed.  He was unable to control anymore.

Roli: Sir, why are you laughing?  I am only asking as I dont know.

Sid: Roli, i am laughing because you are very funny.  You always forget that you are talking to your MD.  

Roli: No Sir.  Now i know i am talking to my MD.  But how do i know how much sweet to be purchased & which one i need to?

Sid: Do you expect me to teach you which hotel you need to ask?   Which sweet you need to order?  How much quantity?  

Roli: I am not telling you to teach me.  I am only asking as i dont know. Once told i will not disturb you again for next time.

Sid: Well.  You order 3 KGS Milk sweet.  Dont ask me the shop.  You check in the telephone index like how you did for hotel.

Roli: Sir, how you know i checked in telephone index for hotel?

Sid understood he tried to reveal her that he is watching her activities.

Sid: What other source you got to check?  Thats why i said.

Roli ordered the sweets which was delivered in few minutes from near by shop.  Then Roli called the department heads to inform to assemble in the conference hall. 

In few minutes all the staffs assembled in conference hall which was noticed by Siddhant through the CCTV and he went there to start his meeting.

Siddhant remembered to distribute sweet before that and called Roli from the intercom of Conference room.

Sid: Ms. ROli, can you send the sweet boxes to the conference room

Roli: Yes Sir.

Roli after keeping the phone was searching for the office assistant, but cant find anyone there.  She was afraid what if he calls again for sending the sweets delayed. So she herself took the sweet boxes inside the conference room.

Siddhant was sitting in the big chair on one side of the big table while other staffs were sitting department wise on other three sides of the table.

Siddhant did not notice Roli bring the sweet and only heard the sound of opening the door and assumed someone bring the sweet.  Without turning to see who has come..

Sid: Please distribute the sweets to all..

Saying this he continued opening the details of the order from his laptop.  

ROli opened the sweet box and started distributing the sweets to other staffs one by one.

Siddhant switched on the projector and showed his presentation which was holding the order details to all.  He got up from his chair and went near the while board which was reflecting the images of presentation and started explaining the details of the order.

Roli who was still distributing the sweets was also hearing all the details with more interest.  She continued to stay in a corner even after the sweet was distributed looking at the presentation.  As everyone were busy in the presentation no one notice ROli standing there being receptionist not concern about the presentation.

Siddhant was explaining very beautifully while ROli started admiring his skill in the presentation, his explaining method, his ideas and of course unknown to her he himself was attracting her.

After few minutes of explanations, the presentation finished while Roli went out of the room to her seat unnoticed by others.

Siddhant went to his cabin as the meeting come to an end instructing everyone to start working on the new designs as per explained in the presentation.

All staffs went to their places and started thinking deeply about what all explained by the MD.  But above all the staffs the one who was thinking more about what was explained was none other than Roli.

Siddhant after reaching his cabin selected in the CCTV recording from the time of the meeting started to see what their staffs were doing when he was explaining his presentation to them.  This is his usual practice to see who all took the details work on that, who all did a time pass without any interest etc..  This habit of Siddhant was never known to any other staffs.

On seeing the recording, he noticed few staffs were just hearing without any interest, few were taking the notes of the details given seriously in their notepad, few were trying to understand what he is telling like so many variety of people.  But all over the meeting he noticed a person who was eagerly looking at the presentation and he knows the person was taking required notes on her mind though not having any notepad on her hand to take any notes instead of just holding the sweet box.

Siddhant started wondering why the girl who has come for the job of Receptionist is more keen in looking at the presentation of Interior designing.  He understood something is there which he need to locate soon...

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