Thief we are

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Siddhant got busy with his phone calls, email, files, cheque signing while he got no idea of the passing time and got fully involved in the work.

when he checked his watch for the time after completing the works it was showing as 7 o clock.

Siddhant face turned towards the TV to check for her.  But the place was empty without her.

He smiled and took his bag to start from office.

When he was crossing the reception table he stopped for a while & remembered her holding him from going inside and smiled again.

Siddhant continued to walk towards the car and get into it.

All the way while driving again her memories.  

Siddhant reached home continuing the smile on his face while his family members wondered what happened to him.

Siddhant went to his room and return changing his dress for dinner.

In the dining table, his hands were taking chappati and feeding it inside the mouth.  But his mind was hearing her words 'I am neither your mother nor your wife' he smiled.

Mataji: siddhant are you OK

Siddhant just came back to conscious on her words.

Sid: yes mataji.  The day went well

Mataji: day went well! What I am asking & what are you telling?

Sid: mataji tell me what you asked.  I will reply you.  Sorry I was on some thinking

Mataji: I asked whether you are OK.  But now I am sure you are not OK.

Sid: nothing like that mataji.  I am perfectly alright.

Mataji: if you are perfect then what all these?

Sid: what?

Mataji: you are smiling yourself.  We have always seen you talking in the phone or with tension while returning from office.  But today with a smile.  Tell us what is the secret.

Sid: oh mataji!  Nothing. I was happy about getting the order

Mataji: if order is the reason, it was not seen to this level when you reached in the morning

Sid: mataji! I am going to my room as I got some work.

Siddhant rushed towards his room and locked his room door.

He sat in the sofa and took his wallet outside.

When siddhant opened passport size photo of Roli was found.

Siddhant to himself: Roli, see you have changed me to a thief.  I took your photo from your file.  No I am wrong you are big thief by stealing my heart.  You have not even taken long time to do that.  Your first look at me itself did that in front of my eyes.  You know though knowing my heart is stolen known to me I was not interested to even hold you from doing that.

Siddhant took the photo near to his face and kissed.

Siddhant: roli, I am not going to tell what I feel for you so soon.  I am going to enjoy your tension to move with your MD, yes myself only.  Also i liked to hear your 'No sir' which i wish to hear more.  I am not going to leave you just like that & our game starts now. Be ready to enjoy the thrill...

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