How many sorrys???

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Siddhant was looking at her face and was driving with a smile.

Roli was in tension whether it is right to travel in the car of the MD.

Sid: Ms. ROli, Tell me which area your house is?

Roli: SIr you said you are going on the way of my house but not aware where my house is?

Sid: You expect me to know the address of the all the staffs working in my office.  Tell me which area you need to go.

Roli gave the area details and its way.  

Siddhant was knowing her address very well as he read her resume multiple times to know about her details.  But still he was not interested to leave any chance to pull her legs and enjoy.

Few minutes were spent in silence.

Sid: Ms. Roli, Tell me about your family.

Roli: No Sir.  I think it is not reqired.

SId: But why.  You know this detail always asked at the time of interview itself.  I was out of station when you were selected otherwise only after giving your name, your family details and whatever details i ask for then only you can get the offer confirmation itself.  But as you got already selected, you deny to tell your name, your details..


Roli interrupted : Ok Sir.  I am only daughter of Mr. Jamanlal Divedi and Mrs. Gauri Divedi.  I dont have any sisters or brothers.  Nothing more than these details.

Sid: Ms. Roli, see even now when i asked you straight about your details you were not ready.  But when i gave big lecture you are telling.  You are peculiar in nature.

Roli: Sorry Sir.

Sid: Ms. ROli, from tomorrow i am going to count how many Sorry you will tell in 1 day.

He laughed.. Roli too was unable to control and she too laughed..


Siddhant just cornered & stopped the car suddenly.  Roli was wondering why he stopped the car.

Siddhant hold her right hand with his left hand and pulled her towards him while ROli fell on his shoulders.

Siddhant hug her tightly.  Then lift her face with his fingers and moved towards her lips...


Roli: Sir.  Please stop the car.  My house is in this street only.  I can go myself from here.

Siddhant just returned from his beautiful imagination disturbed by Roli.  He was thinking, Oh Roli!  Why your house came so early and you disturbed my cute imagination.  

Siddhant stopped and ROli got down the car.

Roli: Thank you Sir...

Roli did not wait for any more second and rushed from there towards her house.

Siddhant with a smile took U turn to travel towards his house as his house was exactly on oppoisite side of travel from office towards ROli's house.  He only told lie to Roli that it is on the way...

After few minutes of driving with lots & lots of her memories finally Siddhant reached home.

Siddhant gave the lunch box to Sujatha..

SId: Maaji,your daughter in law said your food preparation is tasty.

Sujatha: What?  When you gave the food to her?  Did you meet her in the lunch time going out?

Sid: Where should I go out to meet her?

Mataji: What do you mean?  

Sid: I mean she is in our office only.

Mataji: At our office?  Who is that?

Sid: She is new girl joined in our office few days back as Receptionist.

Mataji: Receptionist.  What are you telling Sid?  

Sid: Yes Mataji.  She joined as Receptionist.  But she is Interior designer.  Well talented.  

Sujatha: Then why she is working as Receptionist then.

SId: To hold me from getting into the office.

Mataji: What?  She hold you from getting into the office.  How it is possible to hold the MD?

Sid: Yes Mataji.  That is what happend.

Siddhant explained about Roli to them.

Sujatha: Then why cant you introduce her to all of us.

Sid: Just wait.  WIll surely arrange for meeting with her soon...

'No' to 'Yes boss'Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя