Smoke and Mirrors

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Naomi exited her car after parking it next to Lydia's. All of them were supposed to go to Mexico to save Scott and Kira. Naomi stayed at Lydia's the night before. Lydia was too scared to leave her cousin alone, especially after the way she was acting last night. She wasn't acting like herself.

Lydia told her that she was going to leave early to make her way to the school. Stiles told her that they needed something with a stronger scent for Kira. Her sword wasn't enough. Lydia was to go see if she could find something in Kira's locker before going to pick Naomi back up. Naomi was supposed to go with her, but Naomi was a little sluggish trying to get ready. Lydia was starting to worry about her cousin. Her eyes still had terrible bags underneath them from last night, despite getting sleep. 

Naomi pulled her sweater closer to her as she made her way up into the school. She woke up not being able to warm herself up. It was weird considering that it was very warm outside, yet she was freezing like it was winter. She had to trade her typical skirt or dress for a pair of jeans and a thick sweater.

"Lydia." Naomi called out as she entered the empty school. "Lyds, are you here?"

Naomi didn't hear a response causing her to continue walking down the hallway. It wasn't long before she came to a stop, something catching her eye. A jacket that she knew belonged to Kira, two cellphones, and a backpack that belonged to Mason. One was Lydia's and the other's was Mason's.

A deep growl came from down the hallway. Naomi turned to see a Berserker standing at the end of the hallway. It tilted its head as it examined Naomi. It then took a step towards her. She held up her hand towards the Berserker to try and stop it.


Naomi let out a groan as it didn't work. What was she supposed to do? It's not like she could fight this thing. Especially if her powers weren't working. She took a few steps back before turning to run, but she was too slow. She gasped as the Berserker grabbed her by her neck and threw her down the hallway. Her back collided with the wall, her head smacking the cement with a loud crack before she slid to the floor.

Her vision was blurred as she tried to sit up. She could barely see the Berserker make its way towards her. With all of the strength she had left, she stood up. She stumbled a few times before she caught her balance.

"Don't touch me!"

Naomi yelled at the Berserker, pushing at its chest. She didn't expect the Berserker to go anywhere considering it just threw her 10 feet with the flick of its wrist. The Berserker let out a growl as something hit it, causing it to go flying backwards. Naomi watched as it landed on the floor. 

Naomi felt the same pain as yesterday. Her head started pounding very loud causing her to grip her head in pain. Before the Berserker was able to get up from the floor, Naomi fell to the floor, unconscious.


Aurora Florence let out a sigh as she exited the car she had owned. She told her chauffer that she would be back soon before she exited the car. She pulled her black trench coat around her before walking towards the back of what looked like an abandoned building.

She stood in front of a black metal door. She raised her hand to knock on the door a few times. The door cracked open, revealing the face of a small child.

"Hello? Are you here to see my mom?" Her small voice came out from the crack. Aurora nodded her head.

"I am. Is she here?"

The door opened more to reveal the woman Aurora never thought she would have to see again. The spell she performed on her daughter 15 years was supposed to be permanent. The spell that would block her powers from showing themselves.

Metanoia ➳ Liam Dunbar Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang