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Naomi fixed the tan sweater she was wearing, tucking it into a black mini skirt. She put on some black heeled boots. She did the finishing touches of her makeup before grabbing her phone off of her bed. She gave her cat a small kiss before leaving her room.

Lydia had called her not long ago. Meredith was alive. She faked her death. While she was in the process of trying to be murdered, Lydia and Stiles were in the same predicament. Brunski had taken them hostage after finding out everyone on the list was from Eichen.

He called them assisted suicides, Naomi just called it murder. He killed everyone on that list. All because of their abilities. What was even worse was that he recorded everything, and he made Lydia listen to her grandmother's death.

Brunski was going to kill Lydia the same way he killed everyone else. Parrish had arrived at the perfect time and shot him before he could. That's when Meredith came out.

Naomi made her way downstairs before freezing. She heard talking. She quietly made her way downstairs and packed around the corner. There was someone sitting on the couch. There was a girl with brown hair. Who was this?

Naomi felt someone come up behind her. She elbowed whoever it was in the stomach before pushing them. Naomi looked to see a girl with blonde hair looking up at her from the floor. He held her hand up and looked behind him. The one had gotten up to defend her.

"Who the hell are you people and what are you doing in my house?" Naomi questioned.

"Naomi, dear. What's going on?" Naomi looked up to see her mother making her way to her. She pulled her into a quick hug before releasing her.

"It's fine. I just startled her." The blonde one spoke before standing up.

"It's not fine." Naomi glared at him. "You decide to finally come home after a month with two strangers."

"They're not strangers. They belong to an old friend of mine." Her mother told her. She could see the two look at her weird.

"And they're here why?" Naomi asked. Naomi's phone dinged from her hand it was from Lydia. She had just pulled up outside. "Scratch that. I have to go. Lydia is waiting for me."

Before her mother could respond, Naomi had walked out of the door. Her mother let out a sigh. She turned around to be met with Elijah, Naomi's father. He was smirking at her.

Aurora could finally see how much Naomi looked like her father. Her dark hair and light eyes matched his perfectly. They even walked with the same confidence, even if that was far away from how they felt. While she had her attitude, she had his intelligence.

"My dear. She has grown up to be just a beautiful as you are. And just as fiesty."

"Cut the act

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"Cut the act." Aurora glared. "What do you want? And how did you even find me?"

"The location spell Naomi had done. I was able to trace it back here." Elijah told her. She shook her head.

Metanoia ➳ Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now