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Naomi fixed the dress she was wearing before she opened her locker. She threw in the giant textbook she was holding because there was no way she was carrying it around all day. She put in her bag a binder she needs for her first class and her book she was currently reading. She had left it in her locker last time she was here, so she had been unable to read for the past 2 days. She could've started another book, but she likes to read one at a time.

Naomi is pulled out of her thoughts when a body leaned on the locker to the right of her. She looked over to see a guy named Garrett. She had been introduced to him by a good friend of hers, Mason. She doesn't really like him or his girlfriend, Violet. But Mason likes them, so she deals with them.

Naomi shut her locker before turning to him. She gave him a small smile. "Hey Garrett."

"Hey." he says. "So, I was wondering if you would do me a favor."

"I'm not giving you anymore of my history notes. You need to stop falling asleep in that class."

Garrett let out a laugh. "It's so boring though, but that's not it. There's this new kid. His name is Liam. He is trying out for lacrosse and I want you to see if he is worthy of being on the team."

"Why me?" Naomi asks.

"Because you're friends with Scott McCall. He's the best this team has ever had."

Naomi rolled her eyes. She knew nothing of the sport lacrosse. "Fine. I don't have anything better to do."

"You're the best." Garrett says as him and Naomi walked out to the lacrosse field. He leads her over to the benches before walking over to some kid with a helmet on. He says something making the guy push Garrett. Naomi guesses this is Liam. Naomi also looks for Scott and Stiles, but she doesn't see the duo.

All of a sudden, a body landed next to Naomi. A arm was slungbover her shoulder. She looked over to see Mason making her smile. "What is my girl doing on this fine day?"

"Garrett is forcing me to watch him and some guy named Liam play lacrosse." Naomi answered.

"I thought you hated lacrosse." Mason asked.

"I do."

"You haven't met Liam yet?" Mason asked.

"No, is he cute?"

"Not my type." Mason answered making Naomi laugh. "Maybe if you hung out with us and not juniors, you'd know him."

Naomi pushed Mason away from her. "Psh, shut up. I do hang out with you."

The two quiet down as Garrett and Liam start to practice. Liam got into the net while Garrett was out in the field. Garrett started to throw lacrosse balls at Liam, with him catching every shot.

"Nice Liam, you might be our first freshman captain." Garrett says as they finish.

Both Garrett and Liam take off their helmets before walking over to us. Naomi thought the guy was pretty attractive.

"So Naomi, what did you think?"

"You are aware that Naomi knows nothing about lacrosse, right?" Mason asked as him and Naomi stand up.

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