The Benafactor

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Naomi woke up the next morning more groggy than usual, but she wasn't in any pain which was a good thing. She had to convince Scott that she was capable of driving her car home. He made her call him as soon as she got home. She also had to call Lydia, who scolded her about not being more careful.

Naomi didn't know what happened after she left the hospital because she collapsed on her bed as soon as she got home. She kind of regretted that as now she has to take a shower before school.

The only thing she know was that Scott was planning on doing was taking Liam back to his house to talk to him about the bite. She had a feeling it didn't go very well because he texted the group about an impromptu meeting before school started.

Naomi pulled half of her hair into a ponytail on top of her head. She grabbed a denim jacket to throw on her yellow dress. This dress was one of Naomi's favorites. It had little white daisy's, which is Naomi's favorite flower, on it. Naomi threw on a pair of white sneakers before grabbing her bag and waking out of her room.

Naomi walked downstairs headed towards the door when she noticed something different. There were a couple of black suitcases by the door. There was another set of keys in the bowl by the door. Naomi moved the curtain to look out the window. Her mother's car was in the driveway. Naomi turns around and makes her way into the kitchen. There leaning on the island was Naomi's mother.

"I almost didn't recognize you for a minute." She spoke up. Her mother turned around and smiled at her.

"Naomi, dear, I'm happy I could see you before I left

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"Naomi, dear, I'm happy I could see you before I left." She walked over to her and gave her a small hug.

"Where are you going this time?" Naomi asks.

"New York." She answered. She looked down at her phone for a moment before looking back up at her daughter. "I have plans for a new winter line, and you know how I like to hand pick the fabrics."

"How long will you be gone?" Naomi asks.

"A week. Two at the most." She answers. A ding comes from Aurora's phone "That's my que. Take care of yourself."

"I always do." Naomi hears the door close before she's even finished her sentence. She isn't even disappointed at this point. She grabs her keys before leaving.


"I'm not sharing my basement."

The group has met up in between the busses to talk about Liam. Scott and Stiles tried to talk to him last night. Well, if talking means tying him up to a chair. Liam got away, not very shocking in Naomi's opinion.

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