Chapter One

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×Ricky's Pov×

June 2014


Three years later and I'm still not over Fayleen Parente. Every night, I toss and turn because it's eating me alive that I made Fayleen cheat on TJ Bell with me and left her confused as to who was Ashtyn's father. Now that I look back at it, I would have left me too. I deserved it.

I wish I hadn't have stopped talking to her when we were teenagers.

Motionless in White has gotten a lot more successful since 2011. Angelo left the band last year, he's still heart broken that his sister only left a note when she left. We got a new drummer named Brandon after Ange left, but Brandon didn't stay long. Now, we have a touring drummer named Vinny. He's not a permanent member of the band, but he tours with us and plays.

Now, we're getting ready to release our new album, Reincarnate. We've been playing one song off of the album and it's called Reincarnate, we're releasing the single in July.

We're playing Warped Tour this year. We're playing Vegas today.

×Fayleen's Pov×

"You don't mind watching Ash while I'm at Warped today?" I asked my neighbor Gab. (I'm not sure if Craig Mabbitt lives in Vegas). Her husband is in a band called Escape the Fate, and she's watching my daughter, Ashtyn. When I found out that Craig Mabbitt lived next door, that's when I found out that TJ Bell, my ex-boyfriend is in ETF. I'm dating ETF's ex-bassist, Falling in Reverse's current bassist, Max Green.

Anyway, I'm still kind of not over my ex-fiance, Ricky Olson. There's no denying that he's Ashtyn's father, she has his big grey eyes, his natural hair color of blonde. She's a spitting image of Ricky.

"I do not mind, Fay. Go have fun, go see your boyfriend, Ashtyn will be okay" she told her before I handed my three year old daughter off to her.

Now, I'm off to see my boyfriend.

I walked to my car and began to drive.

Since I've been out here, I've gotten sleeves of tattoos, got my hair back to it's natural color, taken out all my piercings except for my tunnels.

I've also gotten back on good terms with TJ. He said it still hurts that I cheated but he said that we should just stay friends and stuff. I met Max through Craig and TJ, they set me up with him because he was getting ready to crawl back to some bitch named Lexus and they didn't want him back on drugs, so they introduced me to him. I've been dating him since Valentine's day. He's a really nice guy, I love him, but not as much as I love Ricky. I know that sounds bad but, Ricky is the father to my daughter. I've known him since I was sixteen, you can't just throw away the love you have for your child's father, there will always be a special place in my heart for Ricky.

Max doesn't know who Ashtyn's dad is and I would like to keep it that way because he's friends with MIW and Max does not lie whatsoever so he'd probably tell Ricky where I am and he'd take my baby girl from me.


I got to Warped. It's just now nine o'clock so they should be letting people in, now. The line wasn't that long, yet.

I showed them the pass that lets me go to the busses (idk how warped tour works, I've never been). 

I walked through the venue, everybody was running around, getting ready, I went to the Falling in Reverse tent, to see my oh so lovely boyfriend taking pictures and signing stuff for fans. I decided that I should fuck with him and get in line.


It was eventually my turn to take a picture with him.

"Oh my god, Max! I'm your biggest fan!" I squealed as I kissed him. I could see the jealousy on some of the girls' faces. It's not my fault that they're like fourteen.

"Get behind the table, Fay" he ordered. I obeyed and sat behind the table with their merch girl and helped her.

"Didn't you used to date Ricky Horror from Motionless in White and TJ Bell from Escape the Fate?" A fan asked.

"I prefer not to talk about this around my boyfriend, sweetie" I told her politely. The fans have become kind of aware that I used to be involved with the Motionless boys.

"Okay, can I get that T-shirt right there in an extra large?" She asked. I gave her the T-shirt she asked for and she paid and went on her merry way.

-After the signing-

"Babe, we don't have to play the show until four, I want you to meet some of the bands I'm friends with" Max said as he took my hand in his and we walked around the venue. We walked to another tent that had 'MOTIONLESS IN WHITE' prominently displayed on it.

"Fayleen, this is Motionless in White, their merch girl, Sabrina and their tour manager, Korel. Guys, this is my girlfriend, Fayleen" he introduced.

I was met with the big, beautiful, grey eyes of my ex-fiance, Ricky Olson. His eyes quickly filled with anger, hurt, shock, and confusion.

"We know" everybody except Sabrina said.

"How?" Max asked.

"She was Angelo's little sister..." Ricky spat.

"Dude, I didn't need the attitude" Max said.

"Sorry, she just left without saying goodbye" Ricky said.

"Fayleen, can I talk to you at the bus?" Max asked.


Woo! First chapter of the sequel! What do you guys think so far?

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