My heart was intensely racing, afraid that some of the questions will be asked beyond my boundaries. After all, these types of talk shows would only ask questions that their viewers would like to hear.

"And we are rolling in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,"

"Hello and Good evening! I'm your host for tonight's exclusive event, Ms. Neeya and today we have 3 wonderful guests here today!"

"From the young kpop boy group, we have Mj and Sanha here" she continued, pointing at the two boys beside me bowing.

"And for the first time, we have Miss Jas from the modeling and makeup industry"

I waved back at the camera and bowed as well.
Kinda weird for her to say the modeling industry.

"So would you like to promote any albums or anything for Astro?" Ms. Neeya asked politely before heading to the deep questions. Sanha and Mj looked back at each other for agreements while I laid my back against the soft cushion.

Sanha grabbed the microphone from Mj and spoke,

"Um actually we would love to, Ms. Neeya. So we started our first full album called All Light which contains some amazing songs that were composed by ourselves and by some of our staff members. This album brings out the love we share with our fellow Arohas and how we are growing spiritually and mentally each day by their support."

Not gonna lie but I was extremely proud of Sanha for introducing their new album so clearly. This boy sure is growing.

"So I heard you already won your first music record as well. That's a great start for the new year ahead of us and for your new album."

The two boys nodded and smiled warmly from the hosts acknowledgment.

"To start off this interview, we actually have some questions that our arohas have posted on our website and if you don't mind we would like to share them with you"

My stomach sank as I heard those words. Here it comes.

"Yes, of course!" Mj enthusiastically agreed.

"Now these are actual questions from our viewers and I ask for you to be completely honest with them, okay" she said, flipping through some papers. My body started trembling with nervousness after hearing those words.

"First question"

oh no.

"This one is for Mj, have you ever felt nervous about going on stage and accidentally using the wrong note for a song?"

The hyung reached out for the microphone and thought about the question.

"Actually yes I have felt nervous before but I made sure that feeling didn't interfere with my voice so I wouldn't ruin the groups tempo"

"Excellent response, after all we are still humans and having some emotions like that is completely normal" Ms. Neeya explained to the viewers.

"Next question"

"Young Sanha, do you sometimes feel uncomfortable around your hyungs, since you're the youngest?"

The boy puckered his lips with concentration as he grabbed hold of the microphone.

"Not at all, they are like family to me and if I feel stressed out about something, they will always have my back and care for me"

A soft smile appeared on my lips, listening to his speech. Ms. Neeya also had the same expression as me. "That's good that your hyungs take care of you"

He replied with a nod.

"Okay now this will be the final question asked on this show!"

I took a long deep breath and relaxed myself. She said it was the last question so if anything, I will be fine. I hope.

"Miss Jasmin, our viewers would like to know, what is your relationship with Moonbin?"

I gave out a chuckle for my assumptions were right.
"Well as a makeup artist, it's best if you reach out with your customers to know what their thoughts and feelings are with your work and I personally did that with all the members of Astro and Moonbin was just someone whom I became closer"

Everyone in the room became silent.
"U-umm... yeah okay and this relationship, did you ever feel like he's something more than a friend?"

My body tensed up a bit. I thought that was the last question? I guess some viewers were just not satisfied. Wait, this is rolling live so anyone could watch it. Including the Moonbin himself. Oh no, this is not gonna end well.

"He's a great friend and listener but I have never felt inside that he was more than that"

I hope Moonbin doesn't get the wrong idea. I couldn't say what I actually felt or else I would be in more trouble.

"So in other words, you don't like him?"


I shook my head in disagreement. "No! Not like that. I like him but as a friendly way"

"And these are your honest words?"

I hesitantly nodded. "Y-Yes"
Ughhh the feeling of guilt.

Everyone nodded their heads in understanding. I exhaled a breath for the interview was now finally going to be over. From the side, I could tell Sanha and Mj looked a bit down at my response as well. I hope none of them get the wrong idea.


Moonbin's POV

"Moonbin look, they're talking about you!"

I walked towards Rocky's presence to see what he was talking about. The dancer was sitting in front of a laptop and casually eating potato chips.

"What?" I said as I leaned over Rocky's shoulder to watch.

"Did you ever feel like he's something more than a friend?" The interviewer asked, as the cameraman zoomed into Jasmin's face. Even Rocky turned on the volume full max just to hear the girl's answer clearly.

"YO What's goin on!"

Jinjin yelled as he made an entrance. The two of us were startled by our hyung's voice that we threw chips at him to be quiet.

"Jasmin is being interviewed about Moonbin, get over here!" Rocky whispered as he gestured him to come. Without hesitation, Jinjin ran towards us to watch.

"He's a great friend and listener but I have never felt inside that he was more than that."

My whole body sank from the words I heard. Was what she said true? My face looked twisted with emotions. Why am I even feeling this way. It was already obvious that she couldn't have the same feelings in return so why was I having hope.

I decided to leave the danceroom. Jinjin and Rocky kept quiet the whole time, to give me space.


"Shoot, Moonbin is definitely in a bad mood..." Jinjin said out loud.

"When Jasmin comes here, we need to inform her." Rocky suggested to his hyung.

"Yeah, this won't be good.."


a/n: yesssirrrrr comment and vote

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