more to learn; soon after

Start from the beginning

Deciding to move on from the lecture, he changed the topic. "What about you, hyung? Do you go to college as well?" He was met with a long pause. Yoongi looked slightly reluctant to talk. "Oh! Yoongi-hyung, you don't need to answer this if you don't want to!" Jungkook panicked slightly, worried if he had been too nosy.

Yoongi exhaled, sipping at a glass of water on the table. "It's not really much, but I was in college for two years before I dropped out. I'm sort of a failure, not really amounting to much." He chuckled, recalling the disappointment on his professor's face when told him he was no longer going to attend.

"Yoongi-hyung, I can't say I know you well, but I think every person can contribute something to this world. If you say things like that, you'll end up believing those words, and I think you're more than capable."

"...thanks, kid." Yoongi, once again, was taken aback at how sweet a person could be. 'He really needs to be more careful with the people he shoves his care for. Humanity doesn't deserve this type of kindness. Hell, I shouldn't get the kindness.'

Jungkook could feel the atmosphere thicken uncomfortably and so proceeded to attempt to dispel that. "Well hyung, I think that's enough of a heavy conversation today. Have you finished eating yet?"

Yoongi snapped out of his self-loathing for a bit, realising that Jungkook had said something. "Ah...wait, I'm the guest, I should be cleaning up..."

Jungkook merely laughed, collecting the dishes to place into the sink. "I'll take on your offer later when your injuries have healed up a bit."

Yoongi stood in shock. " aren't going to kick me out?"

"Why would I? I'd like to be reassured you won't be laying out on the streets, thank you very much. You still have a slight fever and it'll definitely worsen if you sleep outside. It doesn't help you have a ton of wounds that need to be cleaned regularly." Yoongi was partly in awe and partly horrified. He was amazed at this boy's generosity (if he was in his situation he wouldn't have picked up himself off the street nor let him stay in his home - he liked his own space and having a random stranger intrude on it would be highly unsettling) and worried if he was like this to everyone, giving out his kindness like they were freebies to share around.


"Yoongi-hyung, I'm not letting you sleep on the couch! You're still injured!" Jungkook pushed Yoongi forward into his room, frustrated by the annoying cat hybrid who would not get rid of his manners and stubbornly clung onto the frames of the door.

"I'm intruding. You need some rest - didn't you say you had to attend a lecture in the morning tomorrow? I'll sleep on the couch; I've had worse before." He pushed back onto Jungkook, directing the pair back into the living room.

"Aish, this hyung!" Jungkook exploded. "Go sleep in my room; I won't die if I don't get any sleep!" With a final nudge, Yoongi admitted defeat and walked inside with resignation.

"Seriously, were hybrids always this annoying?" Jungkook huffed to himself, exhausted by the elder. He flung himself into the couch, stupidly worn-out by the confrontation and slowly slipped into a deep sleep.

Taken away by sleep, he didn't notice the creeping figure that was exiting out his room and approaching him. The cat hybrid heaved the boy into his arms, almost cradling him to sleep. Jungkook's face nuzzled closer to Yoongi's neck, soothed by the warm body of the hybrid.

He placed the boy back into his well deserved bed, knowing he had been up to monitor his temperature, to change the towel on his head and to administer the medicine he had bought from the local pharmacy. 'He must have been exhausted,' Yoongi noted as he saw Jungkook's features smooth out and relax. He stroked the black hair gently before tucking him into his blankets, making him a snug, warm burrito.

Hopefully he wouldn't get too mad when he realised that Yoongi had gotten the final say. "The younger should listen to the older, kid." 


The ringing sound of his alarm dragged him out of his peaceful sleep; Jungkook groaned at the groggy sensation, searching for his phone. "Fuck you for stealing my sleep," he said to his phone as he switched his alarm off.

He was still drifting between asleep and awake, and so it didn't occur to him that he was no longer on the couch or in the living room.


"I told him to take my bed, goddammit." Jungkook looked at the hybrid sleeping on the couch (with no blanket either - Jungkook was going to need to buy another one).

Exasperated, he just grabbed the one in his room to cover over his skinny limbs (good grief, he must have been freezing) and left the breakfast on the table for Yoongi to eat when he woke up.

"What an annoying cat." He cursed the blond male again for neglecting his health.


Yoongi's body ached as he stirred awake, once again surrounded by bright daylight. He stretched his limbs out, after all, an adult male of a reasonable height would have been sore sleeping on the tiny couch.

Well, Yoongi was at a loss. He wasn't sure what he was going to do, especially when the actual inhabitant of the house wasn't present. It wasn't like he could just go rummaging through Jungkook's things, despite being scarily interested to get to know the boy more (but that was normal, right?).

Yoongi's eye caught the omelet on the table with a bright yellow post it to its side.



I made an omelet for you. Feed yourself and make sure to take your medicine. The sentences saying was an idiot for sleeping without a blanket and that he would complain when he got back were crossed out several times.

If you want to leave the apartment, don't injure yourself even more and be careful.



"What a brat." His mouth turned upwards in amusement at the nagging note, somehow imagining the echo of Jungkook's voice scolding him, accompanied by a little bunny face popping up. He snorted at that image, proceeding to eat the eggs. It was probably the best morning he had experienced in a long time, even though he was still alone in a flat - he still felt an indescribable feeling warm his chest.

Just a small drop of kindness | j.jk x btsWhere stories live. Discover now