"I've got it, ma'am! I've got the decree!" Mr Filch appeared, causing heads to turn towards the Entrance Hall again. The man hobbled down the steps and stopped beside Professor Umbridge, holding a scroll that held the newest Educational Decree signed off by Cornelius Fudge.

"Thank you, Argus," Umbridge patted her hand against his shoulder before turning back to the three, an evil sneer on her face. "Now, for you three..."

"And now for our exit, actually," Fred announced and mounted his broom, causing George to do the same. Blair went to do the same with her sleek, black broom, only to have it suddenly disappear with a loud 'pop!'. She let out a single 'eep!' and looked down to her hands, expecting the broom to reappear. She was ready to start screaming about her broom imploding out of nowhere, only to feel George's hand on her arm and his lips next to her ear.

"I turned your broom into a temporary portkey," he whispered, motioning his head towards the back of his own broom that he had already mounted. "Care to jump on mine?"

Blair rolled her eyes at George's antics but jumped on anyway, wrapping her arms around his middle and feeling the broom lift from the floor. Their feet dangled with their toes grazing over the bricked floor, George smirking and congratulating himself for his magic. He had wanted Blair to be as close to him as possible while they made their grand exit and his idea had been a success.

"Portable Swamps are available at our new shop in Diagon Alley!" George said over his shoulder to the watching students.

"We'll be opening in the summer and discounts will be given out to those who can make this hag quit!" Blair followed, peering over George's shoulder towards the fuming woman.

"Give her hell for us Peeves!" Fred added, the poltergeist saluting from his place next to the clock tower.

"Wait!" Umbridge cried, seeing them ascending higher and higher into the air. "Stop them!"

Cheers started to thread through the crowd before a collective hoot flowed throughout the school. Fred led the way and soared off towards the clouds, the end of his broom being the last thing everyone saw before he was engulfed by the pillows in the sky. George followed after, his hair blowing out of his face and leaving the school he had grown to love and hate at the same time behind. Blair clung to his torso with her hair whipping down her back, a weight slipping off her shoulders as the cheers got quieter and fainter in the distance.

"You okay back there?!" George yelled over the wind that was bracing and refreshing after the reviving confrontation from their worst enemy.

"Yeah!" she chirped with a wide grin, leaningher cheek in the place between his shoulder blades. "That was bloody brilliant!"

George grinned over his shoulder before turning back to the front, seeing Fred pulling his wand out of his pocket and motioning for him to do the same. The two thought of their house, where they knew their mother wouldn't be anticipating their arrival. They were in for a scolding once they arrived, but the adrenaline that pumped through their veins from finally making their grand exit clouded their judgement for the very near future. 

Molly had been out in the front garden picking the fresh tomatoes that had grown through for the spring. The Burrow slanted in all its homey glory behind her and the sun was blocked by its many attachments. The Weasley mother hunched over the vegetable patch with her gardening gloves on, a watering can hanging in the air watering the cabbages on its own. The 'pop!' made her jump and she stood up straight, whipping around with a tomato dropping into the grass in the process.

"What are you three doing here?!" she shrieked at the sight of her sons and Blair emerging from the tall grass that surrounded The Burrow. "Why aren't you at school?!"

"Er... you might want to sit down, Mum," Fred scratched the back of his head with a sheepish look, glancing towards his brother who shared an identical expression.


"I knew you two would do it someday. I just hoped that you'd surprise me somehow," Molly shrugged her shoulders, the cup of tea forgotten on the table in front of her. "And in the last few months, for Merlin's sake! You couldn't have waited it out for at least that long?"

"I think we would have come home in bandages if we stayed until the end of the year," George said truthfully, grabbing a tub of ice cream from the freezer that was practically calling his name. Blair rolled her eyes at his actions and sent Molly her best smile, hoping she could soften the blow that had already occurred and was starting to metaphorically sizzle in the kitchen.

Blair had never been to the Weasleys home before but had heard many amazing things about it. From the way George described it, she imagined it as a place that anyone could call home and feel warm inside at the mention of it. The name The Burrow had peaked her interest immediately and when she saw the many extensions that sat on top of the already adorable cottage, the quirkiness that Harry had emphasised sprung to mind as if he was right there beside her. The inside was even cuter with its cluttered-esque and magical antiques that suited the Weasley family so well. Blair couldn't believe that multiple people had the privilege to have their childhoods in this home and felt like the orphanage that she had near forgotten about was a slab of concrete next to The Burrow.

"Blair, are you sure you want to drop all of your studies for this?" Molly asked as she stood from her chair and took the girl's hands into her own. "I would hate for you to feel pressured by these two just because-"

"We wouldn't pressure her into anything!" Fred denied and George nodded along, his mouth full of mint ice cream but a stern furrow of his eyebrows proved he also agreed.

"They're right, Mrs Weasley. I wanted to leave with them," Blair said, containing the wide smile that was fighting its way on to her face. "Especially after I finally realised that I loved George, it was-"

"You what, dear?! You love George?! My George?!" Molly gripped Blair's hands tightly, shooting her head back and forth from her to George who stood with a spoon hanging from his mouth. Molly couldn't believe her ears. Never would she have thought that one of her twin boys would have a girl enter the stage of love like she did for Arthur. Sure, they were good looking and had the classic Weasley charm, but their inability to be mature about anything always made her think that they'd never attract any decent girls. And Blair was the perfect girl; she was polite, caring, and gorgeous. And above all, she was a girl! A female! Something that George would usually shoo away in disgust.

"Yeah, Mum," George spoke up, shoving the pint of half eaten goodness into Fred's hands. He walked over to slip his arm around Blair's waist and hug her to his side, causing Molly to stare up at him in wonder and tears brewing at the back of her eyes. "We're officially in love! I know right! Me! In love! With Blair!"

"I-I have to tell the family..."


"I have to tell everyone! Oh Merlin, this is lovely! Oh my Georgie's in love!" Molly pinched his cheek with her strong fingers before heading for her box of quills, parchment and wax for seals.

"Y-You're going to tell everyone? Even Aunt Muriel?" George asked, the fear evident in his shaky voice. Fred sniggered into his spoon and watching as Blair looked between them confused, Molly already writing on a parchment to send to a member of the family.

"Who's Aunt Muriel?"

"Oh you'll meet her real soon, Rosier," Fred sang. "And you'll be sure to never forget her."

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