Part Fourteen, Home Sweet Home

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One year later

Half asleep, I heard some footsteps, walking up the stairs. Through my half opened eyes, I saw that it was already dark outside.
The steps came through the open bedroom door and stopped at the same moment I felt weight on the mattress behind me. Arms swung around my stomach. Digging his face in my neck, I felt his hair on my cheek. Grabbing his left hand, pressing it on me, I snuggled into the warmth of his body.
    "Anybody outside?" I asked with raw voice.
    "Nah." he shook his head into my shoulder and I fell asleep again.

I woke with an Arm around me and my head on Toby's shoulder. I leaned on my left arm and looked out of the window. Suddenly Toby stretched his arms a bit next to me.
    "Do you have work to-day?" He asked sleepily.
    "It's Saturday." I yawned and he pulled me back down.
    "Great." I laid on his chest and he brushed my hair behind my ear. Slowly he started kissing me and my neck, although it ended with going to sleep again.

A few hours later we drove to the diner close to the city broders. We sat down on the table we mostly were at and asked Harris for a coffee and for Toby a plate with Waffles.
    "Is som-mething on the schedule today?" He asked before he started to eat.
    "I need to buy groceries and I promised Anita to look after Charlie while she's out, won't take long though." Meanwhile Harris brought me my coffee.
    "That's good, bec-cause I wanted to ask you a fav-vor." I waited for his answer. "I would prefer it, if-f you would stay in the city today."
    "I got something nasty to take care of. I don't want you t-to get involved." His hand twitched as he took another bite.
    "It's not like-" He took my hand before I could talk to the end.
    "I know, just do me that favor." I didn't know what to say. He'd often have things like these. Where he would disappear and come hours later back, if not days later. I never asked, it's not my business, it's his and I know he must have a reason not to tell me about it.
    "Okay." Relieved he leaned back.

Later that day we split up, I drove further into the city to buy groceries and looked after Charlie for two hours until Anita came back. It was already dawn as I drove home, I thought if I'd stay at home I wouldn't get in his way of whatever he did. So I put the groceries away and sat down in the living room. But shortly after I heard a loud screaming. I couldn't say whether it was a man's or a woman's. I decided to go outside, after I heard it over and over again, it annoyed me. It took my gun with me, because I didn't know what was going on. Maybe it was just a panicking teenager running around, maybe it was Toby and that's why he didn't want me to come home early. or maybe it was something completely different and I wanted to prepared for whatever case.
It was a girl, with long hair and a short clothing, she ran around like a chicken without head, but screaming her lungs out. It was an incomprehensibly frustrating voice. I sighed and closed my eyes before I shot closely to her feet. A warning shot. But as often as it was needed until a hatchet flew into her head from my left. It was Toby, who stomped angrily over to her. He kicked her a few times before he carried her away.
I went back inside after he disappeared behind the trees. I placed the gun where I took it from, the next to the drawer at the entrance, and walked into the kitchen to prepare dinner. Just as I was cooking I heard the front door opening and shut. Totally drained and tired he walked next to me.
    "Thank you, she was a fucking bother." I liked it when he talked without shuttering. He laid his head on me shoulder and watched me cook.

In bed I played with his hair as he snuggled his head in my chest and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I knew he never talked much, not if he had to, but something was going on. He's more stressed and seems in a hurry. As if he's got no time, he never talks about it, but he always tries to make me feel safe. I really appreciate it, so I don't ask. I just wished he wouldn't carry every problem on his own, I'm here to help him and he's gotten better since we first met, he kept his aggressions under control, he let them out whenever he was called out and came calmly home. He helped in the house and supported me as I searched a job. He knew I wanted to do something else and I'm glad he understood that, I was scared he would force me to do what he wanted.
I knew, with time everything would get better, so I'll wait.
Gently I kissed his head and closed my eyes to sleep.


- Sequel: Under Control

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