Part Three, Don't You Remember?

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As I woke up, my head hurt. Pained I walked downstairs when I heard Grandpa talking, he wasn't alone, and I didn't know who the other person was. As I came closer I could see two policemen standing at the door talking to him. I was almost too scared to walk down into the living room, I quietly tried to walk into the kitchen, but one of them saw me.
    "This must be the young lady." he said, grandpa turned around and looked a bit strange at me, he looked hurt or scared.
    "Let's take a seat, shall we? This will be interesting for the both of you." The officer said. I slowly walked to the couch and sat next to them.
    "So like I said, the boy seems really bad injured. The family of course notified their lawyer, and they have a right to do so. So why did you attack that boy? The students said you just began to hit him suddenly, no one saw you two interacting before the incident." I felt nervous; of course I couldn't tell him what was going on.
    "I don't know." Grandpa looked at me wide eyed, I just felt ashamed.
    "So you suddenly attacked him, broke his nose and his left arm and you don't know why?" I hesitated but nod.
    "Well, there are two options, you will be brought to a detention center or you will visit a psychiatric hospital for a few months, just to make sure you're alright." I was shocked.
    "Hospital? Why?" what was this all about?
    "A few students told us about you, about how you have been these past weeks, and they all said something is wrong" my heart began to beat faster. I'm not insane.   

   "For sure?" I clenched my fists on my lap. I tried to ignore it, I didn't want to freak out in front of the officers, confirming their suspicions. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on something else.

   "Reagen, they're waiting. Show them what you are." I took a deep breath and clenched my nails into the bare hand.
    "Are you alright?" I heard one of the officers say. I nodded and hoped he would leave it at that.
    "Ms. King if you need help-" He started to touch my arm. I hit his hand and backed away.
    "Don't fucking touch me!" I shouted, everyone looked at me shocked. The Policemen stood up and asked my Grandpa to come with them for a second. I haven't been this scared since the thing that happened to my eyes. I looked at grandpa as he talking to the policemen, he must be really disappointed. As I walked out, in the kitchen, I saw Christopher with coffee standing next to the counter. He looked at me, then walked out of the room. I didn't know why, but I wasn't sad at all. But I didn't understand what was going on, I was not insane, I was me.

Why was everyone against me? Even if I was mean to them, it couldn't have been that bad, why did they all decide to leave me alone? My friends, my family. It all happened so fast.
Suddenly my head hurt, it felt as if someone hit me with a hammer. I felt so hot, my body trembled and my hands twitched. I started to freak out, what if they take me away, what about grandpa and Chris, would they miss me or would they feel relieved to have such a big burden off their shoulders. I wasn't sure, but I couldn't let it happen, I didn't want to be dragged away, to be the crazy one, that wasn't me. With shaking hands I took a knife out of the top drawer. My whole body shook, it felt unfamiliar and strange. I felt like I could puke. I still held the knife as I walked into the living room, I didn't know what I would do next, I was the audience watching a movie that saw through my eyes, I was too scared to look but I wasn't against it either. It happened to fast, I mostly don't remember what I had done, but I heard sirens and felt people shaking and holding me, then everything got dark.

When I opened my eyes I saw that I wasn't at home, I didn't know where I was. It was a beige and white room with a bed, on which I laid, a barred window and a desk with a simple chair. On the walls where pictures of flowers, they looked finger painted my children. At the end of the bed was a door on the left wall, another door at the wall in front of me. I looked down at me, I also didn't wear my own clothes. I wore dark blue Pants and a white shirt, it looked like medical clothing for patients. My eyes opened further, I was in the psychiatric hospital the policemen were talking about. What happened while I was out?
I stood up, with an aching pain in my forehead and walked to the doors. The first one was locked, the second was open, it was the door to the bathroom. The first thing I noticed was the mirror above the sink. I saw myself and I looked awful, my light brown hair was a complete mess and I had dark circles under my eyes, my skin was so pale I almost didn't recognize myself. I looked like I was on drugs, or on withdrawal. Who knows what they did while I was out. Either way I looked horrible.
What happened? Why am I here in the end? I tried to figure out what had happened, and as I remembered I wished I wouldn't have. I attacked an officer with a knife. That's when they dragged me away from home. After that I couldn't remember anything else and I was somehow glad.

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