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Queens Elementary School
Queens, New York
Friday, October 5, 2018


I leaned back in my leather chair, scrolling on my phone. School just let out for the day and to say I was exhausted is an understatement. I'm drained, fed up, and overall, just over it. Being a second grade teacher can be rewarding, but there are moments when I want to snap. I love children, I really do, but some, I just want to beat their asses.

An email notification popped up on my screen and I immediately clicked on it, letting it take me to my yahoo mail app. I read over the brief email and it stated as a reminder that my appointment with Dr. Knowles is tomorrow at 10:00am. I was nervous and looking forward to my appointment with my Gynecologist. On one hand, I was scared what she was going to say to me. Lately, for the past few months, my menstrual cycle has been all out of wack. I've been having longer periods, excruciating cramps, to the point I can't get out of bed and they've been irregular. I even missed my period one month, causing me to have a pregnancy scare. I've been extremely moody, irritable and down right an obnoxious bitch.

There has to be something to explain all of this and I'm nervous as to what her answer will be. On the other hand, I'm excited to see Dr. Knowles in action. She has quite a reputation in the state of New York. She is known as the best Gynecologist around, male or female, no matter the age. I've also heard quite a few stories of what goes on in that private room of hers and I want to experience what I've heard first hand.

I scooted my body up to my desk, placing my elbow on it, in deep thought. I pondered all the many scenarios of what could happen tomorrow at Dr. Knowles' practice. I don't want to be too straight forward, but I want to experience what she helped other women with. It's something I desperately need, which is maybe why I've been acting the way I have the last few months.

While in thought, my phone went off, signaling an incoming call. I looked down at the caller ID and it was my best friend, Lauren. I grinned, seeing the contact name I gave her and slid answer, putting her on speaker.

"Yes, Lo." I cheesed, even though she couldn't see me. Lauren and I have been inseparable since the ninth grade. I would do anything for her and she would do anything for me. She's been there for me through my worst times and I can't thank her enough.

"What's up, big booty bitch? You ready to hit the club tonight?" She questioned.

"Uh uh." I shook my head. "I have to be up early tomorrow for an appointment, remember?"

"Ohhh, with the pussy doctor lady." She said, making me roll my eyes. So uncouth, but I still love her ass.

"Yes, with the pussy doctor lady. And please don't say that out loud anymore, okay? Dr. Knowles is a Gynecologist."

"Yeah, yeah. All I know is that she spends majority of her day looking at pussy. Are you sure you want to go to her anyway? Have you heard all the stories about people walking into her office, straight, then leaving, lesbian?"

I giggled at her statement. She is so naive.

"Yes, I've read and heard stories about her and that's not exactly what those people said."

"Well..be careful. You do have a nigga, so stay strong Onika. Don't let that bitch turn you out."

I rolled my eyes. That would never happen anyway.

"Yes Lo."

"Well, hit me up after your appointment and we can schedule something or go out to dinner."

"Alright, love ya."

"Love you too bitch, see ya."

I shook my head, laughing and hung up my phone. Lauren reads too many of those damn blogs and Shaderoom posts, tryna make me paranoid and shit. I'm not gullible, but what Lauren said kept replaying in my mind.

Have you heard all the stories about people walking into her office, straight, then leaving, lesbian?

You do have a nigga, so stay strong Onika. Don't let that bitch turn you out.

I decided to check over the articles and blogs about Dr. Knowles once more before I committed to going to that appointment tomorrow. I went to Safari and typed google in the search bar. The website popped up and I typed Dr. Knowles in the google spacebar. After clicking search, the articles that I've previously read were highlighted in a deep purple color and I scrolled down until one I haven't read, caught my eye.

'The Woman who says Dr. Knowles casted some voodoo spells on her during her Gynecologist visit'

My eyebrows raised, enticed with the headline and wanting to know the backstory. Do I believe it? No. But could this woman's story be completely ruled out? No, also. I clicked on the title and started reading the article. I just hope nothing goes left tomorrow in Dr. Knowles' office.

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