A Tatse Of Freedom

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Shuichi's POV

"Did ya miss me?" Just as I was about to fall asleep again he appeared out of the wall behind me.

"No." I sighed as I swirled my half empty coffee in my cup. It had been about twenty minutes since Monokuma left and still nobody had discovered this place. I was on my tenth coffee, staring daggers at the newly appeared ghost.

My pregame self sighed exaggeratedly before pulling out his phone and scrolling through it, hovering several meters above the floor.

"Where were you? You vashined when Monokuma came."

He put his hand to his cheek. "Oh my, am I being called out? I was just visiting my dear friend the Mastermind."

I frowned. "Mastermind? Like the person controlling this game?!"

He nodded vigorously. "Yep! Their actually really cool!"

"Who's the Mastermind then?"

"Ohoho, I can't realise such information on a whim! It would be absolutely terrrrrible for audience ratings." He rolled over in the air, twirling his finger and smirking.

"So we're getting watched?"

"Oops! Appears I've said too much!" He covered up his mouth dramatically only to uncover it seconds later with a large grin on his face. "I mean, I may be lying to you. You can never trust people like me!"

"Just..." I sighed angrily. "Just tell me who the Mastermind is."

"I told you, we may not have one! It might be alllll Monokuma's doing!"

"You just told me you met the Mastermind."

"Yep! But I may have been lying! Lies are fun after all! You don't know if I visited my dear friend, the Mastermind or if I spied on Kirigiri for half an hour! That's the Beauty in lies!"

I sighed. This was going absolutely nowhere.


"So...?" He rolled in the air, hands in cheeks. "Aren't you gonna check the auditorium? Monokuma didn't say what time the motive was taking place, it could be happening right now!"

I sighed, staring down into the table. "I really really don't want to go."

"What? Are you gonna stay here all day? Be a loser and just hope somebody finds this place?"

"..." I stared at him for several seconds. "What the hell dude? No, I'm gonna-"

"Be a loser and hope someone finds this place."

"... No."

"What're you gonna do then? Monokuma expects everyone at the meeting thingajig." He twirling his finger around while rolling into his back, still suspended eye level in the air and keeping eye contact with me. The way his eyes glimmered in the dark unnerved me. Also how the room would suddenly go a shade darker when he entered. Everything... Everything he did was unnerving.

"He might kill you if you don't show up!" He smiled brightly before displaying a touch of sadness at his next words. "But then I won't be able to possess you and this whole thing would be for nothing."

He continued. "God, then I'd have to possess someone bland and boring, like Himiko. And I'd rather die than do that. Say, isn't she in hospital? Why haven't you checked on her?"

I prodded the inside of my cup with a spoon, stirring the liquid inside. "Do you really think I'm in a state that I can see my friends in. Plus I'm already sleep deprived. I'll probably... mess up..."

"Mess up? Eloborate?"

I stared at him. "Like I did with everything else... And everyone else... Mess up..."

I looked down, not seeing the ghosts face. But I could hear his tone take more of a pity voice.

"You didn't mess up..."

"... What?"

"You heard me, you didn't mess anything up!"

"... What?"

"Do I really need to repeat myself?"

"No I'm just... stunned. Why are you being nice, what do you have to gain from this?"

"I'm not being nice Saihara, I'm being honest. You didn't mess up anything, and you lead the game to the best possible conclusion!"

"... I'm still confused, how do you benifit from telling me this?!"

"Well, you're one of the best protagonists of the series, probably only being beaten by Rora from season III2 and John Lewis Hare from the mini series! The development of your character was... a bit weird at times but overall steady, and you didn't rely on either hope or despair to reach your outcome! You remind me of Hajime!"

"Hajime? The Hajime on this island?"

"Yeah, that guy. Best protagonist of the first few series, aside from occasional turning evil!"

"... Repeat that?"

"Repeat what?"

"Hajime... is evil?"

"Yeah, well, only a bit. God, I'm so happy my Danganronpa knowledge is coming into use. Okay, so you know how Izuru and Junko singlehandedly toppled the world. Like, royally fucked it?"


"Izuru and Hajime are the same person."

"... Does... Does that mean Hajime evil or what?"

"Kind of, but he can control his Izuru side now. He's still super smart and super strong due to being Izuru but now he has compassion, love and caring." His mood shifted dramatically as his eyes darkened. "Although emotion also makes a man weak. As Hajime he can be easily affected and even controlled by his emotions."

"What does that mean?"

"It means he's a person you should keep on your side... And don't fuck with him."

I nodded. This was a lot to take in. Of course, there also was the point that he changed his mood and mood towards me so fast that he could be making it all up. But right now, I needed all the information I could get and I choose to believe he isnt just ducking around. Plus, this seems too in depth for him to just make up.

I stood up. I needed to go to whatever Monokuma had planned for motives anyways, otherwise he'd freaking kill me.

I was still curious about one thing though.

I turned to the ghost. "Why are you suddenly being helpful by the way?"

"Oh, I'm just giving you a taste of how nice I'll be when you give me night control. I vow to be this nice and helpful all the time if you give me it! Pleaseeeeee"

I sighed. I was honestly thinking about it. Like, honestly, what did I have to lose? But I wasn't gonna give up that easy. "I'll mull it over."

(DR1, DR2 And DRV3 Spoilers) It's Still Kill Or Be Killed حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن