Bitch Boy Has Another Conversation With Himself (Feat MONOKUMA)

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Shuichi's POV

I groaned... Did he really have to do this??

I rolled over yet the light from his phone didn't stop or turn off. I groaned again, squeezing towards my pillow.

The light didn't stop. Maybe I was beginning to get used to it-


"You son of a-" I jolted out of bed as a ghost my pregame self hovered over me, giggling to himself.

"Oops! Didn't mean to drop that!" He picked up the phone. (ghost phone?? I'm not sure what exactly it was??)

I saw him wipe the screen and yet again turn the phone back to me. "Look, I found an old picture of you!"

I sighed, opening one eye. Ugh, it's that photo. It was one photo of me being super edgy and gross near my loving yet worried uncle.

"It's okay though! Tsumugi made up all your memories and stuff, remember! So that didn't actually happen!" He hoves over me as I got back into bed.

I sighed loudly, trying to get under the cover before they got ripped from me by the ghost. "What. Do. You. Want??"

He covered his mouth slightly, smirking. "Is it weird if I say you?"

I was done with this guy, just let me go. To. Sleep! "Yes. Just, like, leave me alone, kay?"

"No can do!" He smiled evilly. It was already bad enough with my insomnia, but the one time I want to sleep and I cant??

I rolled over again, shivering because he had ripped my covers off. And I'm sure he'd do the same thing if I tried to get them back.

"Hey. Hey. Hey!" He imitated a soft light as I tried to cover my face. Emphasis on tried. My hands were cold as ice as soon as I put them anywhere near my face. His doing.

He was still trying to get my attention. "Hey! I have a deal!"

I sighed. I was doing that alot tonight. "What." My voice was blunt, I was over it.

"Look, okay, so you want to get to sleep, right??" I stared at him. No duh I wanted to sleep, he was the one who was disrupting me!

"And I want to be in a body again! Specially yours!"

"You're not gonna possess me of some shit okay. Just let it go, and let me go to sleep."

"Just for the nightttt. I'll be gone before morning, I swear! I'll be a good boyo! Don't that sound reasonable to you?"

"No." None of this sounds logically, reasonable, or sensible. I wanted to scream at him to let me go to sleep but that would provoke him further. "Just leave me alone... Please..."

He laughed, almost manically. Actually no, his laugh wasn't almost maniacally, it was maniac.

I sighed. This was gonna be a long night.


I started the next morning with a cup of coffee in my hands. Well, that was what I did every morning, but this morning was different, since it was my eighth cup of the day. It didn't help me feel more awake though, at this point I only felt numb.

I found out that Monokuma or whoever was running this game put a cafeteria right across the road from the cabins. The cabins and cafe were both in the dense forest though, so its hard to get to + see.

But after like 40 minutes of walking I made it. Nobody else was here and tbh, I wasn't surprised.


Well, nobody else alive was here.

"Hey sistersss!" He came up from behind me, making me spill a bit of coffee down my shirt.

I watched him point at me disgusted. "Oh my god, is that your nineth coffee this morning?! That's really unhealthy!!" Eighth actually. And you know that.

I death stared him. At this point I would have welcomed anyone but him. Anyone! Maybe even Ouma!

Well, probably not Ouma, but nevertheless.

"You know, you should try a vegan diet, I've heard online that their actually really healthy!" He scrolled through his phone, he seemed to always have that thing on him!

I tried my best to ignore him, taking a sip of my lukewarm coffee. Maybe I had finally gone insane. Or if I hadn't gone insane yet, I was sure about to start!

I stared into my cup, hoping it would give me the answers I need to get rid of this guy.

...Words started appearing in the cup as I strained my eyes to see them. Maybe there was a god, and however cruel or kind, they could get me out of this mess.

"Give..." I read the words quietly as they started to appear. "Me... Your... Body..."

I sighed before turning to the ghost beside me. He had a shit eating grin.

I stared at him, my face completely drained any emotion but anger. "Fuck off."

He licked his lips. "... Hm, I dont think I will, I want to stay right here and see what you're doing!"

I turned back to my coffee cup, which had been knocked over while I wasn't looking. I just stared at it. I was over this already, please someone save me.

As if on cue, I heard a familiar sounding pop. Monokuma had appeared in front of me, staring up at me.

"Oh! Seems like your the only one to discover the cafe!" Monokuma held his little bear hand to his face, appearing amused. "Quite impressive from our little detective."

"Yep." I brought the now-empty cup near my face and looked at him. Maybe I could just squish him or something. Not like it would get rid of the ghost. Monokuma and the ghost are both equally annoying.

"Oho? What this? Not making a big deal out of saving your friends and useless crap? I'm impressed yet again! You seem to finally understand that this world can only be survived by sticking to yourself!" Monokuma jived. I sat up, hauling myself over to the coffee machine. May as well make whatever ghost boy said about nine coffees come true. I couldn't care less about what Monokuma was saying.

Speaking of which, where was the ghost? He kinda vanished when Monokuma came.

I put it out of my head. He was probably waiting for me to think he's gone before reappearing and annoying me more.

I pressed my cup to the maker, feeling the cup fill up slightly. I had complete put Monokuma out of my mind before I heard a loud cough come from behind me.

I turned to see the bear there. "Shuichi, you really shouldn't ignore me, my my, I thought you knew better than that."

"..." I waited for him to tell me why he was here. I was tired and bored, I just needed everything to just, go away!

The bear was unamused by my silence. "Anyways, the first motive will be presented today! Meet the rest of the students in the hall thing we met yesterday!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Is that all you wanted to talk about?"

"..." The bear was stoic for a few second before springing to life. "I also wanted to know about your lying. See, I noticed that you seemed to everyone you were from their period of time. 2000."

He continued. "But you aren't from that period at all! You're from 2040! So Shuichi... Why did you feel the need to lie?"

I didn't need to explain myself to this bear, I already explained myself to Maki and Himiko yesterday, he could have listened then! And he probably did, he was probably ignoring me explain it on purpose to be more annoying!

Well one good thing is the ghost has gone away. I turned back to the bear. "I'm not explaining myself again, especially if it's to you. It's for the protect of us, they can't know we're from the future."

The bear raised his finger to his mouth. "Be cafeful what you lie about Shuichi. There are camera's everywhere, you never know what may be used as blackmail or a motive."

And just like that, he was gone.

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