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Shuichi POV

"We can't tell them what year we're from. And, I don't know if we should tell them we've already been in a killing game."

Himiko nodded, raising her hand to her mouth as she did so often in the killing game. "So that's why you said we met at a bus stop instead of... you know."

I smiled at her encouragingly. "You can say the killing game... Its just us."

She mumbled hanging her head towards the ground. "I don't wanna think about it..."


Everyone suffers in different ways.

I just have to support her I guess.

She peered up at me again. "Why don't we just, say it. Like, we can say we are from the future."

I'm not sure why we can't.

It might direct more suspicion toward us though... And, telling someone their a fictional character might not be the best for them. Look how we ended up.

I mean, I'm not sure.... I'm not sure about anything...

"We'll tell them if we need to I guess..." Himiko looked at me strangely.

"You're not the type to lie. Why would you start now."

"I-" I'm not sure, okay. Im not sure about anything. This whole thing is so messed up, and I have so many questions.

How did we get back on time- or did they go forward? How are we going to survive this with all three of us again? What are our chances of winning?

And why?

Why would somebody put us through- "Shuichi!"

I turned my head to see Maki coming towards the entrance of the camp, alone. "Thank god I found you two." She sighed.

"Maki!" Himiko jumped onto her, hugging the taller girl. Maki started to react violently, but calmed down when she saw it was Himiko.

"Hey..." She tried pushing the small girl off her. "Himiko, can you let go..."

The small girl reluctantly agreed.

Shuichi gave her the rundown on what was happening.

"Why would we not tell them..?" Maki asked.

"That's what I asked!" Himiko agreed.

"I... I guess we can tell them. I don't know. That might cause them to view us in a hostile way. People... are usually distrusting of things they don't understand. That goes for people as well." I tried my best to explain my theory.

"That's makes sense." Himiko said.

Maki nodded. "Yeah... Are you planning to tell them."

"Can we discuss this later guys?" I saw some other people approaching the area. Himiko and Maki followed me as I went inside. I dont know how I became their unofficial leader. But it was something I kinda had to accept.

Everyone was here. The last group was a few stray people, but they mainly talked among themselves. They didn't see the need to introduce themselves. They seemed to know everyone. Except us three.


As I talked to Maki and Himiko, the lights went out. Wait. Isn't this covered by the trees?

The 'room' was pitch black, so I couldnt see anything if I wanted. There were a few reactions, but not really any more than I'd expect.

It was black for 20 seconds before multicoloured lights started coming down from the ceiling.

"Upupupu" I knew that voice. "Welcome one, welcome all! Welcome lazy slackers, to another day of despair!"

The lights shone to Monokuma, who was standing on the pre prepped stage, hands out. He bowed.

"Well, you guys seem to already know what's going on, so I guess I don't have to explain all the rules to you again." He said.

Aoi's voice popped up. "Why are we doing this again! This is inhuman! Especially for these new kids, they're way younger than us!"

"No need to rub it in..." Himiko whispered beside me.

The lights in the room slowly faded in again. I glanced up, but all I could see was glaring lights. Nothing gave me a hint of what happened, it just hurt my eyes.

"Oh my darling Asahina! How I've missed you." The bear twirled and this seemed to make the brown haired girl even more angry. Himiko left my side and stood next to her.

"Look, okay, I don't care what's gonna happen to me. But this is unfair and unjust. We've been put through so much already, two killing games! We deserve a break!" Aoi demanded.

Monokuma just kept twirling.

"Monokuma!" Aoi held her fist in front of her, demanding a response.

The stage went quiet. The bear slowly turned around to face her, claws out and threatening her.

"You remember what happened to your beautiful friend Mukuro,,, right?" He said.

Aoi frowned.

"Oh, its been so long.... I can't believe you've forgotten your own classmate."

Aoi covered her face. I... am totally lost...

Himiko stood next to her. "I agree with Aoi! We should have to-"



I tried to process the scene in front of me. Spikes had appeared out of the ground where Himiko was just standing. However Aoi seemed to have whisked her out of harms way, through she still had one of the spikes impale her right leg. Pink blood was dripping from her wound, and Aoi had a protective expression on her face, like she knew what would happen.

Himikos face was just ghostlike.

Monokuma cackled. I rushed over to her as the bear dissappeared. He left note which Makoto and Kirigiri were reading on stage.

Himiko face was pale. I felt her heartbeat. She was definitely still alive. That was lucky. Makis hand slid into hers as Himiko squeezed the older girls hand for support.

Makoto walked over with Kirigiri. He walked in front - quite worried about the young girl, while Kirigiri walked at the back, studying the paper.

"Me and Kiri found a map... The hospital should be further into the forest, near a lake.

Kirigiri turned the map around so we could see. The hospital seemed to be only a 10 minute walk from here. The whole thing was drawn in crayon, so I couldn't really tell, but Monokuma had gave us a handy scale down the bottom right of how long a walk would take. Well, it's not like we'll be taking cars or anything.

Aoi picked Himiko into her arms again and ran off to the hospital area. Maki ran beside her, holding the map carefully for her. Wait. Maki was being helpful? That seems... so unbelievable.

I guess Himiko really means a lot to her.

Well, now I'm stuck with these strangers.

(DR1, DR2 And DRV3 Spoilers) It's Still Kill Or Be Killed Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz