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Lol. Did you really think this was all gonna be one Pov?




Well I guess not.

Maki POV:

The brown haired boy introduced himself as Hajime Hinata. He seemed normal, aside from his eyes, I wouldn't be able to tell him apart from a croud.

And, before you all kill me for knocking out that yellow tracksuit guy, let me explain myself.

'I woke up in a chillingly familiar situation, locked in a locker. Himiko and Shuichi call me chill nowadays, since I've been trying to contain my guilt in the month that the game had ended. Himiko had slipped into a depressive period and Shuichi wasn't eating anything or going outside.

Nobody was going to help them. I thought they might jump out of it but no. And they weren't going to help themselves.

I took out a few books of parenting (yes, parenting) to help me deal with them. Since then I started studying a bit of basic psychology and childcare (it reminded me of my time inside the killing game, but I still managed to put that behind me.)

I kept going through the rabbit hole, which eventually led me to learn mediation (it's not that hard, really) and led me to work on improving my attidute.

Of course, I've only been studying it a month. So when absolute hell breaks loose and I'm kidnapped, I start to lose my grip and become fairly stressed.

Waking up in that terrifing situation gave me even more stress. What I had been terrified of happening, finally happened.

I screamed. I couldn't help it but I screamed merci. I begged pleaded that this was a dream but when I banged my head repeatedly into the locker it confirmed this was Real.

I noticed the metal slots but my eyes were too blurry with tears of fear to properly see outside.

And then, I was released. Like a captured animal.

I collapsed out of the locker, my face still wet and sore after screaming. My voice was most probably hoarse. I think it's still hoarse.

"Who are you?" A pink haired teen in a yellow outfit leaned over me with a shark toothed grin.

"..." I stared up at him, tears still wet on my face...

His grin dropped as he set to help me up. "Its gonna be alright."

You wanna know what he reminded me of.


I tried not to dwell on it and let him have my hand. He was maybe two years older than me, but still looked okay.

He nodded to me. "Have any idea why we're here?"

He still doesnt know...

Shut up Maki, you're over thinking again.

We don't have to be in danger everywhere we go. Sometimes life is kind to us

We were kidnapped and brought here, I doubt they're gonna be kind.

I internally struggled with myself while the pink haired boy looked at the note left on his desk.

Reality started sinking in as he took a few steps back and nearly fell, dropping the note.

The guy started muttering to himself. "Nononnononomomonon- not again, jesus chrust...... I havent even asked Sonia out and I'm gonna die- imgonnadieimgonnadieimgonnadieimgonnadieimgonnadieimgonnadie-"

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