
521 13 17

Makotos POV:

I felt the sun on my back, irritating, hot sun. I streached my arms out, yawning. My eyes blinked open.

I was in a familiar environment... In fact, very familiar.

Not again.....

I kinda thought this might be a dream. I've been having lots of bad dreams lately. Some related to my past troubles, others not.

I pinched myself. Ow, yeah, this is real.

I was in a classroom in Hope's Peak, yet it looked like the old Hope's Peak. My head was rested on a desk, and the windows were bordered..... Wait, they weren't?

I stood up as the ground seemed to wobble underneath me. Hah, serves me right for not getting enough sleep last night.

I walked towards the window. Yeah, it was only half bolted up. The top half was unbolted and had a metal pane hanging off it.

I stuck my head though, curious.I could see and feel the sun from out there, but not much else. We must be super high up then.

"... Huh?" I heard a noise and quickly turned around. Kirigiri had her head propped up at one of the desks, blinking and getting her eyes used to the environment.

"Hey Kiri!" I tried to remain positive. I mean, we were quite a bit older than what we were in the killing game. Now we were twenty one, and whatever and whoever kidnapped us, we could handle it.

"What's happening?" Kirigiri remained calm and approached me. "Please don't tell me we're in another killing game..."

I rubbed the back of my neck with my hand, smiling up at her apologetically. "It seems we are."

Kirigiri looked thoughtfully around the room. She headed for one of the back desks. "There's a note here."

"Oh really? What does it say?"

"Meet in the auditorium, 10..." Kirigiri looked at the clock hanging above me. "It's 8 now..."

"Let's go then. We can take whoever it is on." I smiled at her. She smiled back.

"Haha, everytime, you and your reckless confidence." She laughed. Her purple eyes gazed at me.

"Well." My expression went serious. "You have to promise, no dying on me, okay?" I held my pinkie out to her.

"I... Can't change if I die or not. Its a fact of life." She gingerly took my pinkie in hers. "But I'll try my best not too."

I headed towards the door. "Hey..." I heard Kirigiri behind me whisper.

"Don't you go dying on me either. Okay..?" Kirigiri stared at me with an unreadable expression.

"I won't." I smiled at her. Blind confidence. That's what's gotten me through these games so far. That, and a fair douse of luck. Well - much more than a fair douse.

I pushed the door open. "Uhm, Kiri??" I asked.


" an island...." We were definitely standing on an island, with sand under our feet, and a visible beach with no visable end.

I thought we were up super high?

"Huh...?" Kirigiri expressed the same intrigment as me.

I turned back to the door. It had..... Vanished????

Wait - that's not how doors work.

"Something is wrong." I stated. Kirigiri silently agreed. She also looked at me like that was obvious.

(DR1, DR2 And DRV3 Spoilers) It's Still Kill Or Be Killed Where stories live. Discover now