The Assassin And Mechanic

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Shuichi Pov:

No no no no

I felt the floor sway underneath me like a ship... Ah, the familiar feeling of starting to back out. My vision got blurry but I still managed to see the guy catch me as I was about to fall (or, well, he was now just a blurry figure)

I stared up a him, my eyes still going  in and out of focus. He was looking over me concerned.

"Relax, relax...." he tried to relieve the tension as my eyes started going back into focus and my breathe stopped becoming so shaky.

We were there for about twenty minutes, as I glanced up to the clock on the wall it read 8:50. I managed to calm my breathing enough to focus.

I shakily stood up. The guy and me haven't even been introduced to each other yet. He helped me up.

Denial. I'm denying I'm here, none of this is real. Just act natural. None of this is murderous, it's just a few people having a prank.

"My-" He helped me regain my breath as I splutted my words out. "My name is Shuichi Saihara."

I wasn't telling him my ultimate. You only did that if you were in a killing game. And I wasn't.... Well,, I wasn't ready to accept that yet.

"I'm Hajime Hinata!" He tried to sound cheerful, but I could tell he was faking it.

"You looked... like you had a panic attack there. Are you fine now?" He asked.

"Uhm... Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, I'm good." I lied. Kokicki would be proud.

I cursed myself for thinking of him like that. He wasn't all lies and mischief. At first I believed he was the mastermind.... God, that was a mistake....

"Do you..... know what's going on...?" He asked me. I shook my head as he frowned across the room again.

"We should find the others...." I looked up at him as he spoke. How was he so certain there were others.

"Others?" He looked at me as I spoke. I could see he was a bit older than me, yet still young.

"Yeah. I have a feeling there might be other people here." He walked to the door before closing his eyes, taking a deep breath in and out.

"We're not gonna get anywhere by standing here. We need to face the future." He turned back to look at me. His words werent overly optimistic or high energy. But they had a certain truth lurking inside them.

"Yeah.... Let's do that."

We exited the room before hearing a loud metal bang from one of the other classrooms. Hajime paused while I silently walked to the classroom it came from, leaving Hajime to follow me.

The door was closed but I could hear the sounds of a fight starting in that room. I slowly creaked the door open and was instantly met with Maki trying to choke me.

"M....." I stuttered out, from the loss of breath. The girl dropped me, realising her mistake.

"Shuichi!" Maki paused, gazing into my eyes before seemingly going for it and giving me a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay! I - I don't know what this is or what's happening...."

I could feel Hajime behind me so I moved to let him in. He was staring at something in the corner.

"Is that Kazuichi?" He asked. I glanced to where he looked. A man with pink tinted hair and an unappealing yellow outfit lay on the floor next to a dented in metal locker.

Well.... That explains where the bang we heard came from...

"He's only knocked out, no permanent damage. He refused to give me the answers I wanted." Maki turned cold in the wake of Hajime.

"Just because he doesn't give you answers - doesn't mean you knock him out!" Hajime exclamed, running to his friend.

"He was acting suspicious too." Maki said. I didn't doubt her. Though then again, I remember a time she said Kaito and Kaede were suspicious.

"What are you, a pyscopath?" Hajime asked, still trying to wake his friend up.

"Maki Harukawa, pleasure to meet you." The dark haired assassin didn't sounded please with Hajime. In fact, she was back to her cold and calculated stance. Not as much as she was at the beginning of our killing game, but at least how she was in chapter 4. Nevertheless, she continued. "There's a difference between me and a pyscopath. I do everything with a purpose."

She looked at me and then glanced at Hajime. "Do you two know each other?"

"We just met." I walked over to where Hajime friend was knocked out. "Geez, Maki, you didn't have to fully knock him out."

"I said before, he was acting suspicious." Maki stayed, not showing remorse.

Hajime looked up from his friends body. "He'll be okay but...." Hajime glanced at Maki. "Can you please not knock any more people out? We all want to know what's happening, and treating each other like shit isn't going to help."

His voice sounded so authoritive. Although I could detect a hint of weariness in his tone and his eyes looked bagged. Almost.... as if he's gone this whole procedure before.

Hajime moved out of the room, and me and Maki decided to follow him.

"We need to find the others." He stated, still not looking back at us two. I felt hope and doubt stirring in my stomach. I didn't want to do this.... But I had to.. Again..... For some ungodly reason.

Maki made eye contact with me, she had the same doubtful look in her eye. We both just wished this could be over, whether we survived or not.

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