The Wrath of the Dusk 2 Dawn Ghosts

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Chapter 8: The Wrath of the Dusk 2 Dawn Ghosts

Some of you guys are wondering who's going to end up with who? Well you guys don't have to wait anymore! The answers with be expose in this chapter. I received your reviews if Arackniss and Molly are going to make an appearance. Sadly no, not in this chapter, but after the second Journal Entry they will.

Also about the whole don't take your anger out on Mabel because she's a kid thing, isn't going to stop me from what I have plans. I said this once and I'll say it again; this is my story. And I decide what to do about it. And to the person who asked, 'why I have Mabel be called "Ma Bell" aka May Bell', I don't know why but I thought it would be fun and so random just for it to rhyme with Mabel's name. I didn't expect for it to have a meaning or a translate word for something.


Another day, another slow day of business at the Mystery Shack Hazbin Hotel. Gompers was on the rooftop letting out a baa. While inside the shack, Dipper was reading a segment in Journal #3 about ghost, hoping it would take his mind off from what the guys at the Hazbin Hotel had told him this morning. While Mabel is sitting on a globe spinning in circles.

Looking up from his book, Dipper ask, "Mabel, do you believe in ghosts?" Mabel replies, "I believe you're a big dork! Ha ha ha!" not liking her answer, Dipper took a pencil and puts it against the globe, and with all his strength he stop it from spinning making his sister to fall off. Stan came in from the outside and shouts to his employees attentions, "Soos! Wendy! Baxter!" Soos comes in running and out of breath while Baxter calmly walks in and Wendy puts down her magazine she was reading.

Soos ask, "What's up, Mr. Pines!" "I'm headin' out. You three are gonna wash the bathrooms, right?" Soos gave stan a salute, "Yes, sir!" Wendy also gave Stan a salute, but said, "Absolutely not!" while Baxter said, "I'll see what I can do." Liking their responds, Stan laughs and said, "Ha ha! You stay out of trouble!" and then leaves the shack.

Once Stan was gone, Wendy walks over to the other side of the shop, "Hey guys! What's this?" she unveils curtain and said, "A secret ladder to the roof?" Soos walks over to Wendy feeling very unsure of she's thinking, " "Uh, I don't think Mr. Pines would like that." What Wendy did next is funny, she put her hand out in front of Soos and waves it up and down saying, "Huh?" a few times until Soos couldn't take it no more. "You're freaking me out, dude!"

"Can we actually go up there?" Baxter asked, only half way up the ladder, Wendy turns to him and the twins and said, "Sure we can! Roof time! Roof time!" "Roof time! Roof time!" Dipper and Mabel join in on the chant and follow Wendy up the ladder with Baxter tailing behind.

As they climb up and over the roof, Wendy shows them her hidden spot, "Alright, check it out!" the twins were in awe at it while Baxter didn't see what's so great about it, besides having it as a secret get out of work spot. "Cool! Did you put all this stuff up here?" Dipper asked, with a hand behind her head Wendy replies, "I may or may not sneak up here during work, all the time, every day." Baxter smiles at her answer, he sees her grabbing one of the pinecones in the bucket and throws it, hitting dead center on the target taped to the totem pole, "Yes!" Wendy fist pump.

Impress with her throw, Dipper and Mabel gave it a try, "Cool!" "Me first!" the two throw their pinecones, but none of them made it to the totem pole, "Come on, Baxter. Try it!" said Mabel, Baxter gave in a took a pinecone and with analyzing the trajectory and throws it. It bounces off from the totem pole, missing the target, and onto a car, causing the alarm to go off.

Blushing in embarrassment, Baxter felt that the kids are going to be laughing at him, but to his surprise they didn't. Instead Wendy congratulated him, "Jackpot! High five." She hold up her hand to him. And at that moment with the wind giving a slight breeze and the setting sun, Wendy Corduroy is the most beautiful women Baxter has ever seen. "... Don't leave me hangin'."

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