Stan's Secret Tattoo

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Chapter 17: Stan's Secret Tattoo

Sorry for the long wait, had to mix word.doc twice now, TWICE!

Also, to anyone who is wondering if Bill Cipher is or isn't going to be in this story? I like to say that Gravity Falls won't be the same without our favorite one-eyed yellow triangle who loves weirdness and chaos.

And I would like to thank for your support and ideas for the story, because I sometimes don't have the time or energy to write this after classes or work. This short chapter has been difficult, and it has always been leaving me with writer's block.

I hope you like it.


"Hey everyone! Look what I found!" Charlie came barging in the hotel's lobby with a video tape in hand, while some of the residents where unamused others were curious to what the video tape was about.

"Where did you get that?" Vaggie ask her girlfriend, "In the shack, I think it's one of Stan's old movies."
Charlie replied, as she gets the TV all set up. This is one of Charlie's antics that Vaggie both likes and dislikes.

Vaggie likes how Charlie can be outgoing and try something new, but there are times that she doesn't realize that she just "borrowd" without any consent on the person's feelings. Even when they only known them for short week.

"We talk about having another movie night, tonight, and that we're going to have it here at the hotel." Charlie explains, 'Oh. I guess that makes sense.' Vaggie thought. 'But still...'

"Charlie, did you ask Stan about borrowing his movies? And did you check if they're any to our hotel standers?" Vaggie asked.
"Yes. Stan says he's fine with it." Charile replied, "And yes I've check there are now lewdness in his collections."

Satisfied with the answer, the girls set up the TV and pop in the VHS tape.

*Static. *

Mabel: (Pretends to squish Dipper's head, making sloshing noises)

Dipper: Hello, I'm Dipper Pines. The girl trying to crush my head is Mabel.

Mabel: (Waves to the camera from behind it) I'm helping!

Charlie said, "Wait, this isn't what I grab?"

Soon the hotel residences start to take notice of what's going on.

Angel sits on the couch "Whatcha watchin'?" His sister and brother joins him, "What are we watching?" "Hmm?"

Dipper: Today on "Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained—"

Mabel: ("Squishes" his head again)

Dipper: Okay, that—that's enough.

"Oh! This must be Dipper's little show he was talking about." Said Alastor, Charlie pauses the video.

"You know this?" Charlie asks.

"Of course, my dear." Said Alastor, "The lad told be of his podcast picture show of the supernatural. This must be one of his videos he recentle made and You just so happen to take."

"Oops." Said Charlie.

Dipper: Today we investigate Anomaly #23, Grunkle Stan's secret tattoo. (Looks at bulletin board with pictures of Stan's tattoo with dates to number when they were taken, and one that said "Mabel was here" when she gave Stan a makeover when he fell asleep) What is he hiding? A college prank? Secret symbol? Or something stranger? Stan claims it doesn't exist, but today we're gonna find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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