
"No. Im going to get you out of here. Are you going to cooperate or do i need to somehow knock you out?" His anger level lowers, his fangs retracting, grabbing the chains i pull him upright, his legs still have enough ability to walk, holding the chains tightly i lead him from the room, thankfully the corridor is empty, my father starts growling as we near the exit, i hope and pray that its because Alex is there, im not sure id know how to explain this situation to anyone else. My father suddenly refuses to move, his heels digging into the floor.

"You okay?" Alex asks, appearing in the doorway, the idling engine reaches my ear, my father launches towards Alex, i only just manage to yank him back, the powers racing from my fingers, holding my father just as tightly, the pain in my head blossoms into a jackhammer attack bringing me to my knees, Alex slams my father against the wall, bricks crack under the strain as my father goes limp, dropping to the floor as Alex appears at my side, standing with his help i massage my temples.

"Is the van ready?" I ask, wincing as even my voice hurts my head.

"Yes, go get in, il load your father into the back." I nod, grateful for the reprieve, heading to the passenger side of the van i slide in, sinking down into the leather, thankful to see theres a divider between the back and the front. My eyelids feel heavy and as i lean back in the seat i lose myself to oblivion.

"Blood!" I jolt awake at the deafening growl, another growl fills my ears as i glance across to Alex at the wheel of the van. Pressing a button the divider slides up, it seems to be soundproof, thank god.

"Sorry i fell asleep, how long have i been out?"

"You needed it, feeding your father and using your powers will take it out of you. you've been out for 4 hours. Your father woke up 2 hours ago and hes been a jerk ever since." Alex's voice is strained, i reach across, grasping his hand, his azure eyes collide with mine, a smile creeps across his face.

"We will stop just before dawn, then il drive and you get some rest, il feed my father when we swap over, hopefully that will placate him until we stop again." He glances back at the divider before focusing on the road.

"I dont want you to put too much strain on your body"

"It's the only way we are going to make it to the palace before all hell breaks loose." Allowing myself to drift off to sleep, Alex drives for hours with the occasional quick stops for restroom breaks and food we make it almost half way to our destination. Pulling into a deserted car park near a wooded area, the moon is peeking from behind the clouds, the sun sinking slowly below the horizon, bringing the world back to the shadowed world. Hopping out the van i head to the back, Alex appears in an instant, his hand covering mine as i grip the handle, his azure eyes swim with worry.

"If you need me just shout." I gently squeeze his hand in reassurance.

"I'll be fine, but thank you." Opening the van door slightly i slip in, closing it behind me, the back of the van is dark, the divider only letting in a little light, my father is slouched against the wall of the van, blood red eyes stare unnervingly at me, rolling my sleeve up i shuffle to him, his body still bound by the chains, spittle running down his chin as his mouth opens, his fangs sharp and glinting. Bringing my bare wrist up to his lips he sinks his fangs deep causing me to wince and try to pull away on instinct before catching myself and forcing myself to stay still as my father suckles hungrily from my skin. Minutes pass, my fingers start feeling numb so i experimentally pull my arm, for a brief second he sinks his fangs deeper before suddenly rearing back, growling. I tilt my head as i notice his eyes flicker one from red to green then back to red again, the sight gives me hope that i can still bring my father back. Hopping out the back of the truck Alex scoops me into his arms, his tongue sealing the wounds on my wrist, his touch feels much more sensual than when my father feeds.

"How is he doing?" He whispers, his face buried in my hair.

"I strongly believe that i can bring him back, i'll still need your help but i have hope." Breathing in his intoxicating scent i find myself relaxing, the tension i didnt realise i had drops from my shoulders, resting my head on his chest, his heart beats strongly against my ear.

"I believe that if anyone can bring him back it will be you." I smile at the pride in his voice, leaning up our lips press softly together, my heart swells.

"Time to switch, i'm driving." Slipping into the drivers seat as Alex hops into the passenger seat i start the engine and pull away, the hum and vibrations of the van sends shivers through my fingertips, the roads are starting to empty which gives me more confidence driving along. Glancing across i see Alex fast asleep, looking so peaceful and boyish, all the tension and stress is drained from his face, driving for hours, through towns, cities, woods and mountains i pull into a drive-through, ordering a quick list of food i wait at the next window, tapping the steering wheel impatiently, my mind swimming with how the heck Alex is meant to be able to control the whole vampire race, and how the heck i'm going to be able to help him when im still confused about what i am exactly.

"Do i smell food?" Alex asks sleepily causing me to laugh.

"Trust you to wake up to the smell of food. You've been out for hours."

"I eat food too." Alex protests.

"Thats why i ordered you some too. Will it help if my father has some food?" I ask, genuinely curious, Alex sits thinking for a moment before replying.

"From experience with feral vampires they can only survive on blood, so for the moment im afraid thats probably what your father should have."

"Thank you. I know its not going to be easy."

"It will be hard on both of you."

"What about you? Arent vampires territorial?" Alex shifts in his seat slightly to face me.

"I wont lie to you, honestly im going to struggle but i know its important to you and i refuse to take away your chance to have your father in your life. But yes its hard for me because when i smell his scent on you my own beast hates it, knowing that he is feeding from you tests my control but i wont stand in the way of your happiness." I lean across, resting my palm on his cheek, he leans into my touch.

"I will try and make it easier for you. But youre the only one i really want to be feeding." I admit, my voice soft and more sensual than i intended, his intense gaze holds mine, his cool large palms cradle my face gently.

"You are the best thing that has happened to me." I smile back at his compliment.

"You're not too bad yourself." I joke, twisting to grab the food from the window, saying my thanks to the worker before heading off, turning into a parking lot, turning off the engine i dig into the food, the burgers melt in my mouth and the fries give a good contrast to the flavours. Alex quickly eats, finishing off three burgers before i had finished mine, i cant help but stare at him.

"What?" He asks, mumbling.

"How do you manage to eat that much?"

"Easy, doesnt affect us as much as it does you humans. Vampires have a much higher metabolism."

"Well thats downright unfair."

"What do you mean?"

"Why do vampires get all the perks. the beauty, the speed, the strength and now a super metabolism."

"Because we're worth it," Alex replies sassily, flicking his head, pretending he has long hair, which causes me to laugh, spitting out some of the drink id just sucked up. Now we are both laughing as i quickly wipe off the dash and the steering wheel.

"Jerk." I retort when i catch my breath, finishing the food Alex races over to a bin before appearing at the drivers side, scooping me out as i clutch onto his neck, the sun starting to peek over the horizon as he places me gently on the passenger seat.

"My turn." He kisses me softly, before closing the door and taking his seat in the drivers side and starting his turn of the journey as i feel my eyes fluttering shut with a yawn cracking my jaw before i curl up in my seat, my head resting on the window, the hum of the engine lulls me to sleep.

A Vampires Quest (COMPLETE) Where stories live. Discover now