Hercliza: True Love

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A/N: Don't even ask. This is MalloryKeaveney 's doing. Fr0gtat067 wrote this. Don't blame me.

"Alex.. we can't keep going.."

Oh god what was I doing? I couldn't break up with him.. he's my only love! But I just don't like him in that way..

"What?! Liz!" Alex shouted, ".. suck a dick.."

He walked away. Wow, my first heartbreak, and it felt... good. Wow! It felt amazing! To feel someone you hated's heart crush under your foot. But a smile did not form on my face, I had just thrown away my only key to hanging around "my crush". Hercules Mulligan. He was loud, obnoxious, but cute and a "savage".

I sighed and closed my door, how was I supposed to talk to him now? Oh, I had his number! I giggled a little, wow, I'm so stupid! I smiled, but it quickly ran away from my face. I leaned against the door, I pressed both my hands against my heart. I could feel it beat. Thump. Thump. Thump.

I hummed. I sat against the door my eyes closed. I felt a small vibration go off in my pocket. My eyes clicked open, the lights seemed too bright, way too bright, I squinted, but lifted my hand, it landed inside of my pocket. I fished through several items, my car keys, a plastic photo of me and Alex, and my phone.

I dragged my phone out of my pocket.

Latest text from: Hercy

Hercy: Hey. What happened?

Lizard: Whadda mean?

Hercy: You and Lex broke up? Hm?

Lizard: He already told? Jesus. Well yeah, I just don't feel the same for him.

Hercy: Haha, you know Lex. Anyway, I can relate, me and Lafayette just didn't click, he respected it though, unlike Lex..

Lizard: Tell me about it.. hey, can I tell you something?

Hercy: Mhm?

Lizard: I uhm.. I like you.. and if you don't feel the same I don't want things to be awkward so...

Hercy: I..I.. love you too. I think, I mean I'm only 24.. and you're 23.. but I think I do..

Lizard: BOO YAH!

Hercy: Wanna meet up then?

Lizard: Hell yessss

~Time Skip~

I walked into the frosted over park. What if he's lying? What if he fucking hates me? He does. I sighed, it was the most reasonable explanation. That was when I felt a pair of strong arms scoop me up, carrying me into a bridal position.

"Hey Liz!" Hercules said, with a short kiss landing on my cheek. "You're so cute!"

I giggled and kicked my legs smiling shyly, my face now pink, not just because of the cold. I wrapped my cold arms around his neck and dragged myself up to his face, once there I pressed my lips onto his. His presence was warming and welcoming, this was truly a perfect moment.

My legs were quickly delivered to the ground, the moment sunk into the earth. The moment's coldness quickly turned into heat when I kissed him again, our lips melting together and I slipped my tongue into his mouth, smirking as he gasped. Passion seeped deeper than it ever had before, but there was a yell from a elderly voice, "This is a public park! Stop kissing!" He pulled away, his face now redder than mine, I laughed. Hercules held my hand as we walked off.

Needless to say, my social media profile was updated to 'in a relationship' again.


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