Lams: Internet Best Friends

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A/N: Hey guys! So just wanted to let you know that my sister and I are writing these together so we'll be signing off with different names. (Btw her account is @Fr0gtat067) She's signing off as French Fry and I'm signing off as Angie (it's a roleplay lol). We take requests so PLEASE request stuff!!!

    *Alex's POV*

"And then Jessica found out that Zack was cheating on her the whole time," Eliza gossiped over the chaos of the high school bus.

"Really?" I asked even though I had only been half paying attention. I mean I love Eliza (platonically) and all but a human can only take so much gossip. Especially on a Friday. When you're surviving on 2 hours of sleep. And not to mention, I can't stop thinking about the infamous Turtleboi. We met two years ago today in a chat room and have been messaging ever since. He promised me that today he would call me and then possibly tell me his name. It's taken me a while to finally convince him that I wasn't some creepy fifty-year-old man but I finally did it. And today was the day I would finally know his identity.

"Alexander?" Eliza asked, waving a hand in front of my face. "Are you even paying attention?"

"Sorry, Liza. I barely slept last night," I explained, rubbing at my eyes.

"Classic Alex," Peggy commented from the seat next to us. One earbud was in her ear blasting out her eardrums while the other was hanging off her shoulder. I never knew how people could stand that, music only coming in one ear. It baffled me. The bus came to halting stop snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, it's my stop. Got to go, ladies," I waved to the sisters before skipping off the bus.

"What's got him in such a good mood?" I heard Angie ask. Turtleboi, I answered her mentally.

As soon as I entered my house, I raced to my room to find my phone.

"Hijo! Slow down on those stairs! You'll hurt yourself!" my mom yelled from downstairs.

    "Sorry, Mom!" I called down to her while rummaging through my room. I threw some dirty clothes across the room and found my phone in the pocket of my sweatshirt. Ah, that's where I left it. My hand was practically shaking with excitement as I opened to the chat room to read:

Turtleboi is online

    I nearly squealed with excitement.

Me: Hey!

Turtleboi: hiya!

Me: Happy 2 year internet friendship anniversary!

Turtleboi: you too! i would type that out but im too lazy and your too extra

Me: *you're

Turtleboi: im rolling my eyes rn just to let you know.

Me: Anyways, today's the day.

Turtleboi: yeah

Me: We don't have to if you don't want to.

Turtleboi: no no i want to

Me: You sure? What if I'm a sociopath?

Turtleboi: maybe im into sociopaths

    I looked around my room to make sure no one could see me blush even though I knew I was alone. He just indirectly complimented me!

Me: That would probably make you a psychopath.

Turtleboi: maybe i am

Me: Maybe I'm into psychopaths.

    Oh no. He's not responding. Was that too much? Did I scare him away?

Turtleboi: lol u ready? here's my number 8675-309 (don't call this number, I stole it from that song)

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