Chapter seventeen

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"It rained on our first date. You made us a picnic in the park."

"Ahhhh yes, I remember. It was so sunny out. The temperature outside was so nice. I thought that a picnic would be really romantic. Then as soon as we set the damn thing up it started to pour."

I smiled, remembering the date. "We grabbed everything up as fast as we could and we had a picnic in your car."

"It rained the first time we made love." He wiggled his brows and me and I blushed. "I remember because you were doing your thing, very nicely might I add and when the thunder cracked you nearly jumped through my ceiling."

I laughed out loud now, garnering a few looks from the people around us. "Oh my god. I was so scared. I remember my heart fell out of my asshole that time."

"Didn't hinder you or your performance too badly." The smirk on his face teased me.

"Of course it didn't. I was there to impress."

We both laughed now.

"Well I was impressed"

"You must have been, you married me."

He leaned over and kissed my forehead. "That I did."

I sat silently for a moment, going over all of the memories in my mind.

"It rained when you proposed to me. I'll never forget that day."

"I was wondering when you were gonna say that one."

"We has just gotten finished eating and we were going to go rent a movie and go back to my place."

"Yea, it was such cozy weather you said. You just wanted to cuddle up and watch romance movies. I just took that for you wanted to smash but either way." He grinned cheekily and I waved him off shaking my head.

"You're insane. I'm a lady."

"A lady who wanted to smash."

I narrowed my eyes at him and let out a sigh. "Anyway, the rain was pouring down so hard and we were on that road between Malibu and LA. That long stretch that nobody is ever on."

"And my tire blew out. No spare, no cell reception. We were stranded."

"For hours. I think it was like six. The rain was so bad that everyone had been advised to stay inside."

I smiled at him. "Not our dumb asses though. We were getting Mexican food one way or another."


"It was about hour four and we had shut the car battery off so it didn't die or so we didn't run out of gas. We had started playing those silly little guessing games where we would try and say the same word at the same time without telling each other, do you remember?"

He nodded his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "I do. It had been about a half an hour of shouting out random words like car, milk, dog and I finally just said will you marry me? I figured anyone that I could spend that much time entertaining myself with and just generally enjoying my time with was someone that I wanted to spend my life with."

"I was so shocked and I think I said what about a hundred times."

"You did." He smiled.

"I was just not expecting it. Then you got that little paper clip out of your cup holder and told me you didn't have a real ring because you hadn't been planning on asking me."

"But it was never more apparent to me than it was then, there in that moment that I wanted you to be my wife."

"So I cried like a big baby and said yes."

For better, For worse | Louis Tomlinson |Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat