Dear diary (Veronica x JD)

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Veronicas POV:

dear diary, it was wrong to go out with Ram to make JD jealous, or I really liked to be young with Ram. Everything was much easier with him anyway. But I know that JD will climb through my window at any time and pray and ask me to take him back.

The window box is also pushed up and comes ... Ram !?

"Hello Veronica"


I followed Ram to a place far away in the woods, it was a big wooden bridge with light loops in so it looked like stars.

"It was here the general went with the Indian girl and made her his wife." he said.

"But the girl was twelve". I canceled him.
After I said that he was generating and began to blush before continuing.
"But it was another time .. then .. then it was allowed and my parents are kissed here and it is said that if it does it lasts forever."

I looked him in the eyes and thought if JD would not look up to me, I would like to have some fun.

"You Ram, shall we see if those legends are true about the kiss?"

He put his hands around my waist and leaned toward my face but just before our lips touched the relatives' lighting. He looked apologetic to me before saying, "Excuse me, I just want everything to be perfect ... It does not take long to just fix the light ... I want everything perfect for you. Just shut up ... You go nowhere? "
I nodded at him before he logged and broke up on the bridge. I held my hands in front of the eye and waited for him.

"Ram are you ready yet?" I slowly pulled my hands out of my eyes and met Ram's lifeless body, hung with a slad around his neck.

A dark silhouette stood above the bridge and looked down at me. I took the cheese knife at the cheese tray and jumped up the bridge to see who was hiding in the shadows. In front of me stood ... JD.

"You wanted me to be jealous so now I say that: Veronica Sawyer, I'm jealous. I'm jealous every time I'm not with you on every breath you take. On every raindrop that nudges your skin. I'm hiding on every car who pass by you where your mirror image is reflected in the paint. And even let a guy like Ram even try to understand a girl you're is a god damn crime."

I took some steps towards him in silence while continuing: "And if you do not say anything, I will continue to talk." Now I was in front of him and released the knife to the ground, I put his finger over his lips so that he would not say anything more.
"You stuck at that moment I saw Ram's lifeless body." I moved my hand to his child. A tear ran out of the eye in JD's eye. He leaned toward me and kissed me in a panting. It was like fireworks in my chest.

"Dear diary, I knew that JD sooner or later would open up to me, we were made for each other, and now I finally proved it to him, as I already showed. Now I'm going to some world how strong we are together. Dear diary, what do you think we can be the next Bony and Clyde? "

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