- ' A Breaker of Chains. '

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‘ The Free City! ’
Astapor, Slaver's Bay

Alyna XI

Alyna XI

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Astapor had been a free city for a day now, and it was one of the most rewarding days of Alyna's life. Never before had she felt so appreciated, so loved, so valued. She thanked the Gods that her plan had worked, for if it didn't then Alyna and her host would have been the ones who ended up slaughtered; not the Masters. “My Queen,” said Lord Tai as he approached Alyna from the sidelines. He had been watching her play with and interact with the former slave children, they had appreciated her efforts in giving them a life free from chains. A life where that they would decide what to do with, not some rich and pompous master who used violence and aggression to control them. She knew they were thankful, even if she didn't understand most of the slaves as they spoke in Old Ghiscari tongues, not Valyrian. “We must discuss what we plan to do next, our three ships will not hold 13,000 Unsullied, along with however many freedmen wish to join us,” he said solemnly.

“And then there's the Dothraki, they have one hundred among them. We can't possibly hope to set sail with such a large host,” he said while staring down at the slave children Alyna had been interacting with. Lord Tai had never seen any slaves, only his Emperors servants, a horrible job which seemed like heaven compared to what those held captive in Astapor were subject to. “Tell me, Lord Tai,” Alyna said while raising to her feet from the ground she sat on, “how many of the Masters surrendered to the Unsullied?” she asked while the children all left to return to their new homes. “I'd say there are maybe one thousand left? Some refused to yield to eunuch soldiers, others tried to fight back. They aren't happy about the newly released slave population 'infesting' the homes which once belonged to their friends and family,” he said with a sigh. “Well, I'm sure the former slaves weren't happy living a life of bondage and pain. The Masters will have to put up with it, in all honesty, they're lucky to even be allowed to stay in the city,” said the Silver Queen with a disgruntled look on her face.

“Of course, My Queen,” he said while bowing his head slightly. “The Good Masters are of no concern to us right now, the former slave soldiers have agreed to remain in Astapor to keep the Queen's Peace,” he said while staring at the Queen. “But we still have the matter of ships. Astapor's navy was only around seven ships, so we still won't have enough to transport your entire army,” said Tai, hoping that the Queen would agree to leave some behind as they sailed to their next destination. “That's fine,” Alyna said with a sigh, “we will not be sailing. We will march,” she said with a smirk. “I won't liberate Astapor while cities like Yunkai and Meereen remain in chains. A Queen shouldn't pick and choose who she helps, she should try and help everyone,” she said while staring at her advisor. The man had a strange look to him, he was tall and skinny, yet he didn't look like he was a weakling. Of course, it wasn't his body or physical prowess Alyna needed; it was his mind. His mind was one of the sharpest she had ever encountered, he always had an air of calculation about him, like he was always planning his next moves and was always trying to figure out yours. He was indeed a valuable asset.

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