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Alyna Stonesong of House Targaryen

Queen of the Andals and the First Men

Kathryn Winnicks

" I will not be just another conqueror.
I will be a liberator.
A Queen. "

Lord Tai Zao of Yi-Ti

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Lord Tai Zao of Yi-Ti

Advisor to the Queen

Tony Leung

" I don't serve you because you're the daughter of a king
but because of your heart. "

Quaithe of the Shadow

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Quaithe of the Shadow

A Dangerous Friend

" I see a sky of fire, a city under siege.
Return to the Shadow,
only then will you touch the light. "

Missandei of Naath and Grey Worm

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Missandei of Naath and Grey Worm

Advisor to the Queen
Nathalie Emmanuel

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