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' The Gulf of Grief! '
Near Astapor, Slaver's Bay

Alyna IX

They had been sailing for quite some time now, she wasn't exactly sure how long as she had given up counting the days halfway through their voyage. Alyna felt as though she had done nothing but sail, sail, sail for the past year of her life. As much as she loved the sea and the freedom she felt when she felt the cool ocean air sweep across her face, she hated actually living on a ship. The damp floorboards, the cold nights, the rationing of food - it all made the experience of sailing a little less appealing to Alyna. She had been informed by Captain Zhang a few hours ago, just before the sun went down. With the sun's retreat, the cold threatened to creep into her cabin every time the ship rocked and the window creaked. Alyna had made sure her candles were secured, the waves getting a little more intense as the moon took to the sky. Knock knock knock. Someone was at her door. "Come in," she said, only to be greeted by Tai. She smiled, "It is good to see you, Lord Tai," she said as he entered and closed the door behind him.

"The pleasure is mine, Your Grace," said the man as he nodded his head and walked a little further into the room. "I believe we should discuss about how you plan to pay for the Unsullied when we arrive in Astapor," he said with a sigh, "and how you mean to transport them out of Slaver's Bay," he said solemnly. "I just don't think the amount of gold and goods we have onboard will be enough to purchase the army you would need to take the Iron Throne. Once we're in Astapor, we would have no way to accumulate more gold, as such I would advise we sail to Yunkai or Meereen first," he said while staring at the chests of gold in Alyna's cabin. The Silver Queen had been hatching a plan ever since she was told of Astapor and their Unsullied by the Jade Emperor of Yi-Ti. "Well," she said hesitantly, wondering if she should even clue Tai in on her plans for Astapor and the rest of Slaver's Bay.

"We will continue sailing for Astapor, no detours," she commanded with a confident tone. Confidence; one of the things Illyrio had taught her made a good ruler. For if she wasn't confident in giving orders, why should her subjects be confident in following them? "We have everything we need to gain the Unsullied. We won't sail to Yunkai or Meereen," she said. "I assure you, Lord Tai, we won't need help from the slavers," said the Dragon Queen with a sigh. She hated even thinking about the Good Masters of Astapor, they went against everything she stood for. But, she would need to tolerate them if she wanted to get her army, and she needed that army. "Thank you for your advice, I do appreciate it," said the Silver Queen while flashing a soft smile. "My pleasure, Your Grace," said Tai, his voice had a hint of uneasiness to it as he exited the cabin and made his way to his own chambers. Alyna would need his full support in Astapor, he won't be able to show anything but full confidence in his queen.

' The Next Morning! '

Alyna rarely got any sleep that night, she couldn't help but overanalyze her plan in her head. She would go over even the tiniest details a thousand times before she was satisfied that her plan would work, and that she and her followers would leave Astapor alive. She had heard many tales of Astapor, the city was said o be ancient and glorious, but Alyna didn't see how a city built on the back of the suffering of hundreds of thousands of slaves could be glorious; perhaps a more suitable word would be monstrous. She groaned as the sun crept through the curtains of her cabin and danced across her face, eventually hitting her eyes which woke the girl up rather quickly. She could hear rustling amongst the dragon crates, her children must be waking too. "Aerion, come to me," she said and without hesitation the largest of the three dragons burst from the crate and flew into her arms. Alyna caressed his scaly skin, the ridges were quite soothing to feel and a heat came from his abdomen which comforted Ally, even in the coldest nights.

A knock came from her door, it was one of the Captains men. "My Queen, I was sent to inform you that we will arrive in Astapor in an hour," he said before walking off. Alyna groaned. She dreaded her arrival at the slave city, she had hoped that the city wouldn't be as bad as the tales told, perhaps they were exaggerated and Alyna would find a regular city with suitable conditions for a slave; even if they were in chains. She let Aerion lie on her bed as she approached her dresser and picked out an outfit; a white gown with dark trousers. She would be well to present herself to the Good Masters of Astapor with an air of dignity, confidence and respect. She would not want them sensing any weakness and to turn her away, especially since she does not have enough gold to buy all of the Unsullied. She got dressed and left her cabin, she let Vhaenys and Rhaenys out of their crates before she did so.

"Your Grace," said Tai as he saw Alyna exit her room, ready for negotiations to begin with the Astapori. "Hello, Lord Tai," said Alyna with a nod, "I was told we are nearing Astapor, how far are we?" she asked. Tai looked at her, his mind searching for an accurate guess before speaking. "I would say we're only a few minutes from the harbour, we should probably be on deck for our arrival, Your Grace," he said. "You're right, let's go," said Alyna as she climbed the steps to the ship deck, Lord Tai following closely behind her. Captain Zhang approached her, nodding respectfully, "My Queen," he said. "We are arriving in the Great City," he said, but Alyna didn't need him to tell her that, the large brick red buildings all around them made that obvious. "We sent word to the Good Masters of your arrival, they are expecting you any time soon," Zhang said while keeping his eye on the city. "The Astapori are an impatient people, it would be wise to arrive as quickly as you can," he finished. "I agree, Khaleesi," said Tai, "We mustn't sour our relationship with the Masters," he spoke. Alyna scoffed. "I don't want a relationship with the Masters," she barked as she stepped off the ship.

While walking through the city, Alyna was receiving a lot of stares. Perhaps it was her distinct platinum hair, her lilac eyes, or the Dothraki guards who followed her; arakhs in plain sight. She didn't mind their staring, she didn't need to concern herself with the opinions of the Astapori slave owners. What she really cared for was the faces on the slaves all around her. There were so many! she thought. Any hope for the city not being as cruel as she had heard were instantly quelled, the city truly was vile. She wished that the Jade Emperor had never told her about Astapor, perhaps if not she may have been in some kinder place such as Qarth or even on her way back to Pentos. She wished she could turn back now, but she needed her army and she will get it. Within a few minutes, Alyna, Tai and the Dothraki had all arrived to speak with the Masters. She knew tensions would rise, but she couldn't think of that now. A Queen must never forget her goals.

Ah! Another Chapter done!
I hope you all enjoyed, make sure to come back next time to see Alyna negotiate with the Good Masters and perhaps even gain a new advisor.

A familiar face will be here in the next chapter, so make sure to stick around for that! Please leave a vote and comment, I highly appreciate it! ♥

- Stxnesxng

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