- ' Dragons, Dragons, Dragons. '

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' Across the Narrow Sea! 'Pentos, Essos

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' Across the Narrow Sea! '
Pentos, Essos

Alyna I

Alyna Stonesong, the last heir to the critically endangered House Targaryen. The girl had come a long way since Dragonstone, she stood at her balcony, a warm breeze sweeping over from across the Narrow Sea gave her the swift jolt she needed to wake up. It was a day like any other in Pentos, the children still clamored around the large walls of Illyrio Mopatis' luxurious manse. They each took turns trying to peek over the strong walls; they were just desperate for a glimpse of the power, wealth and comfort they would never have. It made Alyna feel a little selfish, all she had to do was show up in the Free Cities and the Magisters, Princes and Princesses were all trying to get her to spend a few nights at their own palaces and manses. However, Alyna chose Illyrio, and she wasn't quite sure why. Perhaps it was the man's jovial mature, or even his close proximity to home. Wherever that truly was.

"Princess," called a jolly, yet rough voice from the archway just a few feet away from her. "Yes?" replied the Targaryen Girl, turning away from the balcony to see her host, Illyrio, standing in the archway. "My apologies if I interrupted, but we must discuss how you plan on finding yourself an army to take back your father's prize," said the jovial man in a tone slightly more serious than he spoke in. "You didn't interrupt," said the girl with a soft smile. "And I've told you a thousand times, Illyrio. I refuse to be sold of to some Volantese Slaver or a Dothraki Warlord," she said with an uncharacteristic ferocity. "I am a Princess, no, a Queen. I won't be sold off like some brood mare. That is my decision," said Alyna as she turned away from the man in frustration. "Well, if I cannot do you the courtesy of arranging a marriage, then perhaps I can offer you voyage?" offered the Magister, and it was a rather interesting offer.

"Voyage? Where would you have me go?" she asked with an air of intrigue surrounding each of her words. "Well, my dear, three of my trading vessels have recently returned to the harbour. One will sail for King's Landing, one will sail for Braavos, the other for Asshai," said the man. Asshai was a rather interesting offer, she had heard many tales and legends of Asshai. Especially their sorcery, spells and also their connections to dragons. Dragons. The most fearsome creature in all the lands, a beast only a Valyrian could tame. A beast that was the sigil of her House, the House which she was the final member of. Dragons. The beast that could give her the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Alyna's mind was made.

"Illyrio, I would sail for Asshai. When does the ship depart?" asked the young girl. Illyrio was rather surprised that the girl wished to sail for Asshai - the city as far east as east goes. A city said to contain hideous beasts and monstrous people, but he soon realised the reason she would travel there. Dragons. He sighed, it was her decision to make. "The ship departs in just a few hours. If you're quick, you may be able to get there on time," he spoke with a sorrowful tone. "Do be safe, Princess, I would hate for you to never return to me. I have enjoyed your company," he said with a slight chuckle. "Thank you, Illyrio. I will make sure to travel safe, I appreciate all you have done for me," she said with a soft smile. "I have a feeling our paths will cross again, and I look forward to that day," she said as one of Illyrio's 'servants' gathered her things.

Alyna would ride for the docks in a lavish palanquin, the large manse slowly fading out of view to be replaced by the various other buildings which filled the Free City of Pentos. The people of the city were kept to the side by the Unsullied Warriors owned by Illyrio, she made sure to thank them when they arrived at the port. Alyna had seen many curious ships in the port, of course there were Westerosi ships, but also those from the Summer Isles, Ib, Slaver's Bay and more. It really put into perspective the grandiose of the world she lived in. Truly, it was spectacular. She stepped out of the palanquin, the ship which would ferry her to Asshai was already waiting for her. It was a massive galleon, a trade vessel no doubt. Alyna just hoped it would be comfortable, she didn't want to spend the next year of her life in an uncomfortable ship. Luckily for her, she was assured by Illyrio that it was one of his finest. She hoped he was right.

With a few words of thanks to Illyrio's servants and his Unsullied, they were forced to part ways with the servants walking back the way they came and Alyna making her way towards the ship. It was truly a marvellous ship, but it didn't feel like home. Nowhere really did, but especially not this ship which was somehow colder than the air around it. But it didn't matter, Alyna rarely ever felt the cold. Instead, she always felt a heat within her; evermore so since she arrived in Pentos and thoughts of dragons began to swirl around her mind. Dragons. Dragons. Dragons. It was all Alyna truly wanted, to feel closer to her heritage and carry on the Blood of Old Valyria. She felt as though the weigh of a hundred Targaryen Kings was on her shoulders. And the weigh was unbearable at times.

Alyna knew that now was not the time to falter, now was the time to progress. To take charge of her own life, her own fate. To finally do something for herself and not rely on the help of some Prince or Magister. No, now was not the time of Illyrio, or anyone else. Now was the time for Alyna Targaryen.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I hope for this to be the start of a breathtaking journey that you all will love!


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