| Author's Notes |

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The Dragon's Daughter

in which the final heir
of house targaryen must
journey across essos,
forging alliances, making friends
all in the hopes of restoring
her family's fallen dynasty which
was destroyed by house lannister.

we first meet alyna in pentos,
she is living with magister illyrio mopatis
in his luxurious manse. he has
sworn to help her take back her
birthright; the iron throne.
he sets off a chain of events which
eventually ends up with alyna on
a ship sailing towards the shadow city
of asshai.

what will she find there?
dragons? friends? enemies?
all of this and more!

the dragon's daughter takes
place in the fictional world
created by george r.r. martin
and hbo! all rights go to them.

i only own alyna, her storyline
and certain characters she may
meet and interact with along the way!

without further adieu,
may i present
the dragon's daughter!

graphic by: mccIained!

if you want to make more
graphics for this page,
let me know! :)

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