Chapter 30: Mystery

Start from the beginning

Kira smacked her head against the table. "Boring. Boring. Bored. Boring."

Twigs' eyes scanned through the book. "Come on you two, we can stop soon. Just a little longer."

"Why am I even here?" Whined Soul. "I'm part of Team Eve too! I should've gone with them."

"You're here because only four Pokémon can enter a dungeon at a time. Of-course we could've divided into teams and entered the dungeon separately, but then who would be doing this?"

Soul groaned again. "Gardevoir. Do you know how many books she read today? Practically the whole library!"

"Yeah, she's a reading machine," agreed Kira.

"You two should be ashamed of yourselves."

Kira and Soul just rolled their eyes. Soul lay on the table and Kira rested her head on it. Around them numerous were stacked in high piles. They were in a secluded corner of the library; there was no windows and after hours of research they'd lost track of time.

Delis poked his head around a bookcase; spotting the Snivy, Torchic and Turtwig.

"Hey!" Delis called loudly.

Soul started and fell from the table. Groaning, she rubbed her head and stood up.

"I've been looking for you three," said Delis. "The others are back. We're heading for dinner."

Before Delis had finished speaking Soul and Kira had sprinted past him and out of the library. Delis' jaw dropped. He spun slowly in a confused circle. "Where'd they go?"

Twigs chuckled. "Come on, let's go."

Delis was still confused; he'd never seen a Pokémon move that fast and he wasn't sure that he actually had seen it. Gallade puzzled over this until he arrived at Spinda's café. Sitting around a table was Kin, Evie, Soul, Kira, Az, Em and Gardevoir.

Sitting down, Twigs looked expectantly at Kin and Evie. "Find anything?"

"Maybe. There's a dungeon near Tranquil Town. Evie and I are going to check it out. Soul, you're coming with us."

Soul silently celebrated; she couldn't stand another day of research. Besides... he lives in Tranquil Town. Soul took a moment to think about him, but Evie's voice snapped her from her daydreams.

"What about you guys, find anything?"

"Not much," Sarah answered. "I discovered that Hoopa originally had quite the reputation. He was renowned for his power and his kindness. He put on shows for Pokémon and he'd do incredible things to impress others. One day he got carried away. There was an accident and a lot of Pokémon were hurt. After that he was labelled dangerous and Pokémon began avoiding him. He was alone since then, at least until he met our mystery girl. All he wants is a friend, if we teach him not to overdo it he may stop fighting us."

"Groovy," said Azure. "Good work all round. Now, onto more important matters, dinner!"


Kin sighed as he flopped backwards onto his bed. Evie crawled into bed beside him and cradled herself against his side. "What's wrong?" She asked.

Soul's quiet snoring filled the room as Evie waited for a response.

"I'm just worried. That dungeon... I'm scared it'll trigger something in me and I'll snap. I don't want to hurt you. Just promise me you'll be careful."

Evie giggled and licked his cheek. "Ever since this started you've been tense. Don't worry. Just you, me and Soul. Everything'll work out."

Kin chuckled. "I know. You're right."

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Team Eve - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now