Found you?

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Did they really find you?

Is it true? I want to believe it is but how can I? How am I suppose to feel about this? I don't know what to do.

You were once the greatest thing that ever happened to me but you were also the greatest pain I ever felt.

I can't say I hate you but I don't know if I still feel what I felt almost a year ago.

A year ago the mere mention of your name would have brought the biggest smile to my face and now I don't even won't to hear it.

I even started seeing someone else, his name is hyunjoon. He's really sweet and talented and I like him alot, but to compare him to you would be unfair.

They say you live off the coast where your grandfather stays and that you still go to uni which is good. They also say you looked really happy, extremely happy.

I'm glad you're living well and I wish you all the best.

Hyunjinnie :)

Actually would you be mad if I come visit you?

The end.

«gone boy» seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now